The ultimate one-stop success guide to the EMT-Paramedic examânow fully updated! If you want to ace the EMT Paramedic Certification Exam, there's no better study partner than McGraw-Hill Educationâs EMT-Paramedic Exam Review. Based on in-the-trenches insights from seasoned EMT instructor Peter A. DiPrima, Jr. , this concise, skill-building learning tool helps you think through pre-hospital medicine while covering every must-know topic on the examâfrom pharmacology to hazardous materials awareness. Each chapter begins with a clinical scenario followed by a bulleted overview of key topics and is summarized by chapter-ending Q&As. Also included are valuable exam preparation tips, the do's and don'ts of answering multiple-choice questions, and much more. Turn to any page, and youâll see that the Third Edition of McGraw-Hill Educationâs EMT-Paramedic Exam Review has everything you need to boost your confidenceâand your score. Rely on this indispensable resource for: A complete 180-question practice exam at the end of the book New and improved online question bank (available at with over 360 EMT-P practice questionsâand answers that correspond to topics in the text High-yield outline format bolstered by Q&As, realistic clinical scenarios, and retention-enhancing bulleted content Seven sections that incorporate the most recent Paramedic National Curriculum Content corresponding to National EMS Education Standards Updated section on Advanced Life Support Monitoring featuring chapters on 12-lead ECG, Capnography, and Understanding Blood Chemistry EKGs and ECGs that enhance your comfort level with reading leadsâa growing part of the EMTâs job function Photographs facilitating the identification of critical instruments and equipment And more!
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Oct 25, 2021