5 Steps to a 5

The newest addition to the popular test prep series that has prepared millions of students for AP exams in every subject AP Comparative Government and Politics is a fast-growing Advanced Placement test. This new addition to the popular test prep series covers the current course syllabus and will help you build the skills, knowledge, and test-taking confidence you need to reach your full potential. 5 Steps to a 5: AP Comparative Government & Politics includes three practice tests reflecting the actual exam, detailed answers to each question, study tips, information on how the exam is scored, and more. Score-Raising Features Include: • 3 full-length practice exams • Hundreds of practice exercises with thorough answer explanations • Comprehensive overview of the AP Comparative Government exam format • Authentic practice questions that reflect both multiple-choice and free-response question types, just like the ones you will see on test day, along with detailed answer explanations and sample responses • Addresses all topics at the depth and in the style required for the AP Comparative Government exam • Proven strategies specific to each section of the test

Price history

Oct 25, 2021

