Daniel Corkeryâs classic book The Hidden Ireland is a study of Irish language poetry and culture in eighteenth-century Munster. The âHidden Irelandâ of the title is literary Ireland: Corkeryâs famous book is an attempt to reclaim Munsterâs Irish language poets from the hands of grammarians who read them only for their preposition and participle use and to restore them to their rightful place as vibrant and vital lyricists and visionaries. The Hidden Ireland, an instant classic when first published in 1924, was listed as one of the top 50 most influential Irish books in The Books That Define Ireland by Tom Garvin and Bryan Fanning. The Hidden Ireland was revolutionary in its recognition of the contribution of Irish language poets to Irish culture, a contribution that had previously been minimised or even erased in the Anglo-Irish versions of history that preceded it. Corkeryâs groundbreaking study of Irish poetry and culture in eighteenth century Munster is widely acknowledged as having had a profound influence on the shaping of modern Anglo-Irish literature in its foregrounding of the role of the Irish language in literature as a repository of Irishness and a specifically Irish worldview . Daniel Corkeryâs The Hidden Ireland (1924), arguing for an Irish cultural revival based on the Gaelic tradition of Munster in the eighteenth century, became almost official dogma after 1924, and led to impassioned debate among Irish writers and academics for decades afterwards, including Sean OâFaolain and Frank OâConnor, Corkeryâs rebellious students. Tom Garvin and Bryan Fanning, The Books That Define Ireland (2014)
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