How to Spot a Dangerous Man Workbook

This workbook is a companion piece to the author's forthcoming Hunter House book HOW TO SPOT A DANGEROUS MAN BEFORE YOU GET INVOLVED, pub date 12/04. It is created to be used along with the book and also in the author's workshops for women on dangerous men and how women can make good relationship choices. What is a dangerous man? Most women would answer: one who is physically violent. But abusive behavior is often more insidious. Men who want mothers, not partners, who prey on lonely, passive women, who are mentally ill, addicted, or emotionally unavailable, or who won't go away when asked to leave all fall into this dangerous category. Most women who have dated one dangerous man have dated two or three. This workbook is a realistic and effective tool for women to break the dangerous man pattern, and contains 22 worksheets/quizzes to lead women to the place where they can effectively create their personal DO NOT DATE list of characteristics. See table of contents for specifics.

Price history

Oct 25, 2021
