Pmi-Acp Exam Prep Study Guide

Revised Version 2016. Passing the Project Management Institutes Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) certification examination wont be easy, but youll boost your chances for success when you consult this study guide. Vivek Vaishampayan, an information technology expert who holds several certifications, including the PMI-ACP designation, introduces you to the exam process, Agile Project Management principles, and dozens of knowledge and skill areas that you must master to succeed in the field. Youll also get: handy tips for taking the exam;sample exam questions with answers;chapter summaries to review key concepts. Current references to Agile concepts are explained throughout the book in a simple manner so youll be better equipped to pass the test. Just as important, youll find tips throughout the book that will help you succeed after you pass the test. This latest entry to Certification Prep handbooks explicitly follows the PMIs ACP Certification Examination content outline and addresses each topic to the exact the level PMI-ACP test takers need. The PMI-ACP certification is an important facet of a practitioners development, so improve your chances of advancing your career with the PMI-ACP Exam Prep Study Guide.

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Oct 25, 2021
