Chemical Process Safety

As chemical processes have grown increasingly complex, so have the safety systems required to control them. Chemical Process Safety, 4th Edition, offers students and practitioners the deeper, more fundamental understanding of safety required to properly design and manage these sophisticated processes and systems. Long the field’s definitive guide, this edition has been extensively updated throughout to cover current techniques and procedures. It includes extensive updates to chapters on relief sizing, hazards identification, risk assessment, and many other topics. Extensive new web resources include 50 new problems and solutions (mostly in SI units), and 25 new case histories. The book’s coverage also includes Toxicology Industrial hygiene Source models Toxic release and dispersion models Fires, explosions, and their prevention Chemical reactivity Reliefs Safety procedures, designs, and more Chemical Process Safety , 4th Edition, fully reflects both industrial and academic perspectives, ensuring that material is presented on a fundamental basis and linked closely to actual practice, and making it indispensable for both students and working engineers. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you will receive via email the code and instructions on how to access this product. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

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Oct 25, 2021
