By the Thumbings of a Prick

Shakespeare said that "brevity is the soul of wit." On Twitter, Donald Trump has routinely disproven The Bard's theory. Trump's Tweets have been an object of ridicule and horrid fascination for the duration of his presidency. But, in their own way, there exists within them a bit of poetry. There is something, shall we say, Shakespearean about his particular brand of macabre humor, bumbling sarcasm, and witless bloviation all within the succinct limit of 280 characters. To reveal this innate artistry would take the talents of Shakespeare himself. As good luck would have it, we have AJ Smith. In By The Thumbings of a Prick, Smith rewrites 154 of Donald Trump’s most inane Tweets as Shakespearean Sonnets—in complete iambic pentameter and full of Shakespearean wordplay and allusions. The perfect “covfefe” table book (or perhaps placed upon thy chamber pot), this collection of “Donnets” turns foul to fair, and serves as a reminder that all that Twitters is not gold.

Price history

Oct 25, 2021
