Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields for Clinical Applications

Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields for Clinical Applications presents the historical development, the state of art, and the future of the application of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) for the treatment of various medical problems, including initiating various healing processes from delayed fractures and pain relief to multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. The emphasis is on the development of scientific methods to be implemented in clinical application. In perspective, this modality provides a practical, exogenous method for inducing cell and tissue modification attempted to the injured tissues to their normal physiological status. The book reviews the current state of equipment for PEMFs and highlights worldwide therapeutic achievements. It explores the past, present, and future of PEMF therapies. It presents the development of theory and laboratory research during the last 70 years. It reviews the available equipment for PEMF. It reviews the state of the art of worldwide therapeutic achievements. It includes recent achievements and applications of electroporation modalities.

Price history

Jan 25, 2023
Oct 25, 2021

