Fashion in the 1960s

Perhaps more so than any other decade, the sixties had the broadest impact on the twentieth-century Western world. Across society, culture and the arts, youth voices rose to prominence and had a significant influence on new trends. Mature polished elegance was replaced by young liveliness as the fashionable ideal. Although only the most daring young followers of fashion wore the tiny miniskirts and borderline-unwearable plastic and metal outfits publicised in the press, stylish and smart fashion was increasingly available to all, with an emphasis on self-expression. New style icons such as Twiggy combined girl-next-door looks with trendy, aspirational and accessible outfits, and popular culture heavily influenced mainstream fashion. This beautifully illustrated book offers a concise guide to changing styles across the decade.

Price history

Jan 27, 2022
Jan 24, 2022
Jan 18, 2022
Jan 17, 2022
Jan 10, 2022
Jan 4, 2022
Dec 28, 2021
Dec 21, 2021
Dec 13, 2021
Dec 7, 2021
