We are the Leaders We've Been Waiting For

At this time of social flux, of changing demographics oncampus and the world beyond, of recognition of intersectional identities, aswell as the wide variety of aspirations and career goals of today's women undergraduates,how can colleges and universities best prepare them for the demands of modernleadership? This text speaks to the changing context of today’s women students'experiences, recognizing that their work life goals may go beyond climbing thecorporate ladder to include social innovation and entrepreneurial goals, policyand politics, and social activism. This book is a product of multiple collaborations and intellectualcontributions of a diverse group of undergraduate and graduate women who helpedshape the course on which it is based. They provided research support, criticalreadings, as well as the diverse narratives that are included throughout thebook, not as an ideal for readers to aspire to but as an authentic expressionof how their distinct and sometimes non-conforming lived experiences shapedtheir understandings of leadership. It goes beyond hero/she-ro person-centeredapproaches to get at the complex and intrapersonal nature of leadership. It alsosituates intersectional identities, critical consciousness, and studentdevelopment theory as important lenses throughout the text. Recognizing that there are many possible manifestations ofleadership or gender, this text encourages students to embrace thecontradictions rather than engaging in dualistic, black-and-white thinking,challenging them to address such questions as, Should women “lean in” and workharder to achieve their own leadership goals, or should they focus on biggersystemic issues to create equity in the workplace? Each chapter concludes with a brief chapter review, anarrative from a current college student, and critical reflection questions.

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Oct 25, 2021

