Now in its fourth edition, P.M. Jonesâ The French Revolution has been extensively revised and incorporates the most recent research on race, religion, gender and citizensâ rights. It also covers, in detail, the colonial repercussions of the revolution in both the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean. Written with the needs of students in mind, this volume recounts the dramatic years from 1787 to 1804 when the ancien régime was replaced by a constitutional monarchy and then a republic. Jones covers the difficulties facing King Louis XVI in the run up to the attack on the Bastille, and explains how the Revolution led to the creation of the First French Empire by Franceâs most successful General â Napoleon Bonaparte. Wherever possible, the actions and reactions of ordinary men and women who found themselves caught up in the turmoil are recorded. By analysing the revolutionâs significance for both Europe and the world beyond, the concluding section sets the revolution in a global context. With study aids such as a chronology, whoâs who, glossary and an enlarged selection of documents to allow for research and discussion, this book remains a useful tool for students interested in politics, culture and society during the French Revolution.
Price history
Jan 21, 2023
Oct 25, 2021