Media, Culture, and Debate in Korean 미디어, 문화, 토론을 통한 고급 한국어 수업

Media, Culture, and Debate in Korean provides a roadmap for an advanced-level Korean course centered around media and culture and includes access to an archive of virtual media resources such as film, documentary, shows, newspaper, drama, music, and advertising. The book is designed to help students enhance their language skills and to deepen their knowledge and understanding of contemporary Korean society and culture through the analysis of authentic Korean media resources and debate. It addresses the cultural issues permeating Korean society that are rapidly transforming people’s perspectives, language, and lifestyle. These societal issues are discussed in the context of historical and psychological background, the struggle between tradition and changing values, positive and negative impact of the phenomenon, neologism, and potential solutions. This book can serve as a main textbook as well as a resource for an online class setting and can also be used in a traditional face-to-face class setting.

Price history

Nov 4, 2021
