CompTIA Security+ Certification Practice Exams, Fourth Edition (Exam SY0-601)

This up-to-date study aid contains hundreds of accurate practice questions and detailed answer explanations CompTIA Security+™ Certification Practice Exams, Fourth Edition (Exam SY0-601) is filled with more than 1000 realistic practice questions—including new performance-based questions—to prepare you for this challenging exam. To help you understand the material, in-depth explanations of both the correct and incorrect answers are included for every question. This practical guide covers all official objectives for Exam SY0-601 and is the perfect companion to CompTIA Security+ Certification Study Guide, Fourth Edition. Covers all exam topics, including: Networking Basics and Terminology Introduction to Security Terminology Security Policies and Standards Types of Attacks Vulnerabilities and Threats Mitigating Security Threats Implementing Host-Based Security Securing the Network Infrastructure Wireless Networking and Security Authentication Authorization and Access Control Introduction to Cryptography Managing a Public Key Infrastructure Physical Security Risk Analysis Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Understanding Monitoring and Auditing Security Assessments and Audits Incident Response and Computer Forensics Online content includes: Test engine that provides full-length practice exams and customized quizzes by chapter or by exam domain Interactive performance-based question sample

Price history

Nov 10, 2021
