Description BookStore NOW.. If you are interested in knowing the secrets of Wicca in a simple and fast way this guide is for you, learn and practice in an ethical way, START NOW! Do you want to learn how to the secrets of magical rituals, candles, moon, shadows, herbs and crystals, all the most powerful spells in a single book written in a simple step by step? If yes, then keep reading... Wicca is thought about a contemporary analysis of pre-Christian customs, though some involved claim a direct line to ancient practices. It might be practiced by individuals or members of groups (sometimes understood as covens). Wicca also has some commonness with Druidism in its ecological part and is thought about the motivation of the goddess movement in spirituality. There is excellent variety amongst individuals and groups that practice Wiccan religious beliefs, however many are duo theistic, worshiping both a male god and a female goddess (sometimes described as a Mother Goddess and a Horned God). Other Wiccan practices are atheist, pantheist, polytheist, or considerate of gods and goddesses as stereotypical symbols instead of as real or supernatural beings. Rituals in Wicca often consist of holidays centered on stages of the moon; solar equinoxes and solstices; aspects such as fire, air, earth and water; and initiation events. This book covers the following topics: · The Origins of Wiccan · Wiccan philosophy and beliefs · First steps to witchcraft · Tools and objects for spells · Sabbat and Esbats · Introduction to magical rituals · Magic Wicca practices for beginners · The main differences between ancient and modern magic · Wicca and Nature · Moon Phases · Wiccan Divinity · Wiccan Traditions and Deities · Wiccan Style ...And much more Wicca ended up being a movement throughout the 1950s in England with the publishing of books by Gerald Gardner. Because each group of individuals declaring to be Wiccans might, in truth have various beliefs and might practice various routines, Wicca is a tough group to specify. Wicca is a Christian neo-pagan practice that worships a deity or goddess of creation and karma. Introduced in the 1950s, Wicca now has specialists worldwide from 50,000 to 200,000. The majority of modern society has a stigma toward Wiccan religious beliefs focused on sorcery (Work) misunderstandings. Wicca's special form of witchcraft is established. While not all Wiccans practice this method, for some (Work) "witchcraft can be a lifestyle." Buy is NOW and let your Customers get addicted to this amazing book!

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