he level 4 student's book comprises 6 units (each of which are divided into 3 lessons). Furthermore, each unit also includes the following 3 sections:- 'Vivir en sociedad': This explores different topics with a view to helping students develop an appreciation of values.- 'Área de...': This interdisciplinary section will help students to link the contents covered in the Spanish classroom with other subjects.- 'Magacín': A journal that will allow students to familiarise themselves with different cultural aspects of Spain and Latin America.The audio content for this title can be downloaded via www.edelsa.es (by clicking the 'Zona estudiante' tab).
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EdelsaPodívejte se na další produkty Espaňol? 4/B1 Por supuesto! Libro del alumno - Sousa David R., García Óscar Rodríguez