In a world of dragons, song-spells, pipers and battles...Patch Brightwater is in disgrace. Thrown in jail for playing a forbidden spell, he is no one's idea of a hero. But then he discovers a deadly truth - the evil Piper of Hamelyn is on the loose. With the help of Wren, a girl cursed to live as a rat, and Barver, a fire-breathing dracogriff, Patch must stop the Piper sparking the biggest battle of them all.Three accidental heroes versus one legendary epic adventure is born.A perfectly pitched fantasy adventure for readers aged 9+ and for fans of The Hobbit and How to Train Your Dragon.It was a Waterstones Children's Book of the Month in 2018.
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Kniha: A Darkness of Dragons; Autor: Patrick S. A.;
Knihy Dobrovsky
In a world of dragons, song-spells, pipers and battles...Patch Brightwater is in disgrace. Thrown in jail for playing a forbidden spell, he is no one's idea of a hero. But then he discovers a deadly truth - the evil Piper of Hamelyn is on the loose. With the help of Wren, a girl cursed to live as a rat, and Barver, a fire-breathing dracogriff, Patch must stop the Piper sparking the biggest battle of them all.Three accidental heroes versus one legendary epic adventure is born.A perfectly pitched fantasy adventure for readers aged 9+ and for fans of The Hobbit and How to Train Your Dragon.It was a Waterstones Children's Book of the Month in 2018.