Point Blanc is the brand-new Alex Rider TV series, featuring Otto Farrant as Alex Rider, Brenock O?Connor as best friend Tom and Ronke Adekoluejo as Jack Starbright. Recruited by MI6 after the mysterious death of his uncle, teenage spy Alex Rider engages in a dangerous undercover mission to infiltrate the exclusive Point Blanc Academy. But the school hides a deadly secret. Can Alex alert the world to the truth before it?s too late? Point Blanc is part of Anthony Horowitz's bestselling 13-book series, with over 16 million copies sold worldwide.
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Kniha: Point Blanc TV Tie-in; Autor: Horowitz Anthony; Point Blanc is the brand-new Alex Rider TV series, featuring Otto Farrant as Alex Rider, Brenock O?Connor as best friend Tom and Ronke Adekoluejo as Jack Starbright. Recruited by MI6 after the mysterious death of his uncle, teenage spy Alex ...
Knihy Dobrovsky
Point Blanc is the brand-new Alex Rider TV series, featuring Otto Farrant as Alex Rider, Brenock O?Connor as best friend Tom and Ronke Adekoluejo as Jack Starbright. Recruited by MI6 after the mysterious death of his uncle, teenage spy Alex Rider engages in a dangerous undercover mission to infiltrate the exclusive Point Blanc Academy. But the school hides a deadly secret. Can Alex alert the world to the truth before it?s too late? Point Blanc is part of Anthony Horowitz's bestselling 13-book series, with over 16 million copies sold worldwide.