
A TIMELESS EPIC, A NEW CLASSIC FOR ALL AGES -- MERLIN "Once upon a, no, that's not the way to start. You'll think this is a fairy tale. And it isn't". In the terrible years of tyrants and invaders, England's surviving pagans cry out for help to their deity -- and Mab, Queen of the Faery realms, creates for them a champion. Merlin. Half human, half Magic; raised in the love of his foster mother, Ambrosia, trained in sorcery by the gnome Frick, destined by Mab to lead England back to the Old Ways. But Mab, once beloved, has grown selfish and cruel, so Merlin turns against her. And their war of magic will change the world.

Historial de precios

29 ene 2023
1,86 €
11 ene 2023
8,41 €
14 dic 2022
1,86 €
16 mar 2022
8,41 €
16 feb 2022
1,86 €
25 oct 2021
8,41 €
