
The RHYTHM DESIGNER RD-6 provides all the tools you need to become a master beat-maker, including: 8 drum sound and a 16-step sequencer – for a quick and easy-to-use drum machine that’ll shake the hou
Only produced from 1981 to 1984, the Roland TB-303 was a tremendous commercial flop as a replacement for the bass guitar, however it soon found its place as one of the most-loved synthesizers for what
Only produced from 1981 to 1984, the Roland TB-303 was a tremendous commercial flop as a replacement for the bass guitar, however it soon found its place as one of the most-loved synthesizers for what
Se trata de una traducción automática por software:Tanto si acaba de empezar con la guitarra eléctrica como si lleva años tocando, el supercompacto HA-20R es la opción ideal para el guitarrista exigen
Se trata de una traducción automática por software:Sintetizador Bass Line con verdadero circuito analógico para sonidos graves y groove de Behringer. Reproducción auténtica de circuitos originales con
The 80s was the golden age of electronic music. Synthesizers were at their prime and almost every hit song and movie soundtrack at that time had a synth in one form or another. Modular synths have bec
Bass Line synthesizer with true analog circuitry for bass and groove sounds from Behringer. Authentic reproduction of original circuitry with matched transistors. Pure analog signal path based on lege
The RHYTHM DESIGNER RD-6 provides all the tools you need to become a master beat-maker, including: 8 drum sound and a 16-step sequencer – for a quick and easy-to-use drum machine that’ll shake the hou
Esta es una traducción automática generada por un software: Mezclador de DJ Premium de 2 canales con Full VCA-Control y Ultraglide Crossfader. Ya sea que solo esté juntando su equipo de DJ, o si está
Se trata de una traducción automática por software:Un paquete de 7 micrófonos de batería proporciona una representación precisa de toda la batería para aplicaciones en vivo y de estudio. Se sintonizan
Bass Line synthesizer with true analog circuitry for bass and groove sounds from Behringer. Authentic reproduction of original circuitry with matched transistors. Pure analog signal path based on lege
Se trata de una traducción automática por software:El RHYTHM DESIGNER RD6-BK proporciona todas las herramientas que necesita para convertirse en un maestro creador de ritmos, que incluyen: 8 sonidos d