When we designed this handbag, she expressed a request that she didn't just want to be aesthetically pleasing. She also wanted to be really practical. And guess what? She's exactly the way she's always wanted to be now. It has long, comfortable handles that you can hang on your forearm or shoulder. It stands on four small metal legs, so there is no risk of a scratched bottom.
Spacious handbag with zipper closure
The handbag includes a crossbody strap
Silver details with a distinctive pendant (can be detached)
Inner pocket for small items
Spacious handbag with zipper closure
The handbag includes a crossbody strap
Silver details with a distinctive pendant (can be detached)
Inner pocket for small items
Voce con la stessa EAN
Cronologia dei prezzi
4 gen 2024
143,99 €
23 dic 2023
146,99 €