Major Hal Carlow was a fine soldier, but he was also a flirt, a rake and a scoundrel! In general, he tried to steer clear of proper young ladiesno fun at alland spend time with the sort of women who appreciated his finer qualities. Miss Julia Tresilian's duty was to find a husband, but her prospective suitors bored her to tears. Yet even talking to the incorrigible Hal Carlow was dangerous to her marriage prospects, let alone anything more.
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Major Hal Carlow was a fine soldier, but he was also a flirt, a rake and a scoundrel! In general, he tried to steer clear of proper young ladiesno fun at alland spend time with the sort of women who appreciated his finer qualities. Miss Julia Tresilian's duty was to find a husband, but her prospective suitors bored her to tears. Yet even talking to the incorrigible Hal Carlow was dangerous to her marriage prospects, let alone anything more.