If you do not like wallets that break down into several parts when opened, then Andy is a great choice. The zipper will open the main part where you have everything, documents, cards, banknotes and co
"This little blue wallet is not only an ecological and logical choice, but also a choice from the heart. Not only your reason, but also your heart votes for your wallet, which is made of natural mater
"Is gray boring? This is definitely not the case with us! The elegant look and ecologically friendly material with hemp make the Fritz wallet a perfect modern wallet. With this you will not only be el
„Co udělat proto, aby byl každý tvůj outfit ještě zajímavější než kdy dřív? Vyladit ho k dokonalosti ledvinkou. Můžeme ti zaručit, že s šedou ledvinkou Lorelai uděláš velkou parádu.“<br />
Hlavní zapí
An elegant black wallet with silver details is a sure bet. It enchants you not only with its luxurious appearance, but also with its practicality. It has three zipped pockets, thanks to which nothing
Do you like a minimalist design, but at the same time want a wallet that is unmistakable? Then Cletis is a great choice. The medium-sized wallet has a distinctive zipper, under which you will find sev
Główne zamknięcie na suwakWewnętrzna przegroda na drobiazgi i kieszeń na suwakZewnętrzna kieszeń na suwakLekki i wytrzymały materiałMateriał: Canvas
We face ecology and do not pretend that we are indifferent to the future of our planet. That's why we try to find new and interesting materials that we can incorporate into our supplements. Here we lo
When you pay for a meeting of the cream of the crop, it's nice to pull out a wallet that will be worthy. And you too. Tadise is an elegant and discreet wallet that is suitable for real ladies like you
Research confirms that the color red can increase the pulse and speed up breathing. So if right now, when looking at the red Panthesilea wallet, you feel that the pump has started and you feel like yo
- Pasek na ramię - Zapięcie na zamek główny - Logo Vuch - Rozmiar: 240 x 200 x 50 mm - Waga: 270 g - Zapięcie: Zamek błyskawiczny Materiał: Skóra syntetyczna