My Little Book of Prayer

A number of what we might call epigrams concerning one's will, determination, and spirituality. “The modern progress of sovereign mind and inner divinity from the narrow cell of the ascetic to the open heaven of man made in God's own image, is triumphantly shown in it, yet a self-abnegation and sacrifice beyond anything that a St. Francis or a Thomas a Kempis ever dreamed of, glorifies the path. To attempt to tell what a treasure-trove for the struggling soul is in this little volume would be impossible without giving it complete, for every paragraph marks a milestone on the higher way." - St. Louis Globe-Democrat. "A collection of beautiful and uplifting thoughts and petitions, a suitable gift for the friend to whom you are willing to open your soul." - Chicago Daily News. "I love it because it is not 'prayer' in the old selfish, vulgar sense, but a noble dialogue between the transitory and the permanent in the human soul, and leaves the latter supreme as in the concluding lines of Faust." -Thaddeus Burr Wakeman "These are no light, lifeless prayers of a passing pilgrim-vain desires of an empty soul. They are sterling petitions, every one of them, uttered from an abundant soul that doubtless has sorrowed much, thought deeply, desired greatly, and yearns for sane, ennobling, inspiring gifts." -Exchange. "'My Little Book of Prayer' is the Aeolian harp, the soul of emancipated man, a literature of feeling rather than of thought, of heart beats rather than cerebrations. It is, in a measure, as strikingly the ripened heritage of the ages as Shakespeare's soul or Darwin's mind. Nations, not individuals, beget genius. Miss Strode's book is an incontrovertible evidence of the continuous evolution of nations-and man." -Walter Scott Rosenbaum in The Open Court.

Istoricul prețurilor

9 nov. 2022
0,93 EUR
