More Sparks Of Truth

The influence of Emmet Fox in the spread of New Thought ideas lies not simply in the large number of his readers, but in the fact that he is so widely read my ministers of all denominations. This collection of lectures contains easily accessible help for daily problems, practical or emotional. The short lectures are intended to instruct the reader in basic spiritual truth, and to furnish material for short meditations. The subjects are usually handled in a light and amusing style, and often deal with familiar incidents in everyday life. Lectures Include: Register Joy and Hold It; Rough Altars; Faith; Building and Wrecking; Flee to the Mountains; Personality, True and False; Christopher Columbus, Spotlights, No Waiting, Me Bothers I, Swing Doors to Hell, Treatment of Divine Love, The Fool's Handbook, and many other sermons.-print ed.

История цен

10 нояб. 2022 г.
0,92 €
