Spokey Com Form IV, 2x1500 g, Pomôcky na cvičenie pre mužov, Neradi trávite čas v preplnených posilňovniach či fitness centrách? Pomôcka na cvičenie Spokey Com Form IV vám vylepší a zefektívni domáci
Spokey SOFTMAT exercise mat:<br />
- Made of foam with a thickness of 1.5 cm, thanks to which it ensures excellent insulation from the ground<br />
- helps to increase the level of each workout – anti
Spokey SOFTMAT exercise mat:<br />
- Made of foam with a thickness of 1.5 cm, thanks to which it ensures excellent insulation from the ground<br />
- helps to increase the level of each workout – anti
Cork fitness roller Spokey TAUSA:<br />
- suitable for exercise and massage<br />
- thanks to the material used – cork, the cylinder does not absorb moisture and thus lasts longer clean<br />
- It is
Spokey RELEVER 1 double trapeze:<br />
- je nastaveneľná na šírku zárubne od 62 do 100 cm.<br />
- pre väčšiu bezpečnosť je upevnená skrutkami a konce sú zakončené gumou.<br />
- je po celej svojej dĺ
Spokey Twin B II, , Pomôcky na cvičenie pre mužov, Neradi trávite čas v preplnených posilňovniach či fitness centrách? Pomôcka na cvičenie Spokey Twin B II vám vylepší a zefektívni domáci tréning. Vla
The Spokey CANDY ROPE II jump rope is designed for those who want to spice up their training with dynamic exercise.<br />
Bearing jump rope is an excellent helper of fitness exercises. This simple but
The Spokey CANDY ROPE II jump rope is designed for those who want to spice up their training with dynamic exercise.<br />
Bearing jump rope is an excellent helper of fitness exercises. This simple but
Spokey SOFTMAT exercise mat:<br />
- Made of foam with a thickness of 1 cm, thanks to which it ensures excellent insulation from the ground<br />
- helps to increase the level of each workout – anti-s
Yoga block Spokey NIDRA is a great helper and a mandatory part of the equipment of everyone who practices yoga. It is useful for both beginners and advanced. For beginners, many positions are easier,
Spokey Fitball III Gymnastická lopta 75 cm Fitlopta sa hodí k cvičenie kdekoľvek a odporúča sa pre každého. Vhodný pre cvičenie na doma i na rehabilitácie. Cvičenie na lopte pozitívne ovplyvňuje fyzic
Pri cvičení na rotopede sa nemusíte obávať nepriaznivého počasia. Model X-Bike HS-3010x Grix je výborný stroj na domáce cvičenie. X-Bike je skladací rotoped s moderným dizajnom a množstvom funkcií, ak