Kempovanie a turistika

Kempovanie a turistika

Tent rods for the Boyard 4 Classic tent are made of laminate. The use of high-quality laminate significantly extends their service life and increases strength and flexibility. Tent rods for the Boyard
Husky | 2 Obchody
Tent rods for Bizam classic tent are made of laminate. The use of high-quality laminate significantly extends their service life and increases strength and flexibility. Tent rods for Bizam classic ten
Husky | 3 Obchody
Tent rods for the Bizon 4 Classic tent are made of laminate. The use of high-quality laminate significantly extends their service life and increases strength and flexibility. Tent rods for the Bizon 4
Tent rods for the Bird and Bird PLUS tent are made of durawrap, which ensures their low weight. The use of Durawrap significantly extends their service life and increases strength and flexibility. Ten
Husky | 3 Obchody
Tent rods for Bizam and Bizam PLUS tents are made of durawrap, which ensures their low weight. The use of Durawrap significantly extends their service life and increases strength and flexibility. Tent
Husky | 3 Obchody
The tent rods for the Flame 1 tent are made of lightweight duralumin, which ensures their low weight and then the low weight of the tent. But also durability and flexibility. The tent rods for the Fla
Tent rods for the Sawaj camel tent are made of lightweight duralumin, which ensures their low weight and then the low weight of the tent. Tent rods for the Sawaj camel tent are made of lightweight dur
Husky | 3 Obchody
ENIT -10°C je extrémne ľahký spací vak, ktorý je vhodný aj do chladného počasia. Vďaka svojej konštrukcii a použitým materiálom je dobre zbaliteľný, zároveň však zaručuje veľmi komfortný spánok. Vo vo
Flame je malý, ľahký a spoľahlivý pomocník pri všetkých cestách za dobrodružstvom. Je vhodný pre horolezcov, skialpinistov a cykloturistov, ktorí radi cestujú sami Napriek svojim menším rozmerov v seb
Veľmi praktický batoh pre každodenné používanie, ako v meste, tak na drobné výlety. Jeho praktické usporiadanie vreciek zaručí, že budete mať všetko vždy po ruke. Výbava batohu Nory: anatomicky tvarov
The Drape Ladies -20 ° C sleeping bag has been developed for use in extreme conditions. It is made of the highest quality materials, which significantly reduce its weight and volume and also safely he
Husky | 3 Obchody
Bronder 4 length duralumin tent rods are made of lightweight duralumin, which ensures their low weight and then the low weight of the tent. Bronder 4 length duralumin tent rods are made of lightweight