Borsette, portafogli e custodie

Borsette, portafogli e custodie

You could say - a bag. But you won't be able to get enough of this one. Instead, buy three - one for wearing, one for the wall, and the third for the TV so you can keep an eye on it all the time. -
You could say - a bag. But you won't be able to get enough of this one. Instead, buy three - one for wearing, one for the wall, and the third for the TV so you can keep an eye on it all the time. -
You could say - a bag. But you won't be able to get enough of this one. Instead, buy three - one for wearing, one for the wall, and the third for the TV so you can keep an eye on it all the time. -
Material: Italian Velour - 1.2 mm with dimensions 390 x 320 x 120 mm
V jednoduchosti je spása. Osvoboďte se od zipů, druků a jiných čurapajzlíků. Drobné patří číšníkům, do kasiček na charitu nebo do kapsy, pokud zrovna šetříte na wooxus. Peněženka má dva vnitřní sloty
There is salvation in simplicity. Free yourself from zippers, snaps and other dicks. Change belongs to waiters, to charity money boxes or to your pocket if you are saving for wooxus.