A curated list of useful Dart tips that will improve your coding style as a Flutter developer. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/top-dart-tips-and-tricks-for-flutter-devs/
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To enable this, switch to the latest Flutter beta (3.31) and run your app with --web-experimental-hot-reload https://codewithandrea.com/tips/hot-reload-flutter-web-beta/

Instead of taking screenshots manually for each device & language, you can automate it with Maestro! Here's how. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/uploading-screenshots-fastlane/

Instead of taking screenshots manually for each device & language, you can automate it with Maestro! Here's how. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/semantics-identifiers-ui-testing/

Instead of taking screenshots manually for each device & language, you can automate it with Maestro! Here's how. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/automated-screenshot-generation-maestro/

Here's a handy command to override the Android status bar UI before taking screenshots for your Play Store listings. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/android-demo-mode-for-screenshots/

Here's a handy command to override the iOS status bar UI before taking screenshots. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/ios-status-bar-for-screenshots/

Apps created with Flutter 3.29 use the new Gradle Kotlin DSL on Android. Some CLI tools don't support the new syntax, yet. https://codewithandrea.com/tips/gradle-kotlin-dsl/