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Using only Docker to build and run applications and commands removes the need for previous knowledge in some tool or programming language. Also, it avoids the necessity to install new modules and dependencies directly to the system, which makes development machine-independent.
Hello all, been a while since I've posted here about oil. Been having fun gambling during the bear rallies and losing some fun money with phone app. Time to make it back. Welp, funs over, back to business. Exxon has earnings coming up and it's estimated to be a blowout, slightly less than $90 billion in revenues. With oil prices as they were during the quarter, I expect a solid earnings beat, but I am slightly worried about the sell the news mentality, so am considering hedging my long
Looks like Meta is going on a hiring freeze. According to users on Blind all interviews have been cancelled (I saw people saying it's only for E3s and E4s, but some E5s (Sr eng) have also been reported to be canceled) This seems to very abrupt. Maybe it has to do with earnings next week, maybe they realize they won't be growing as much/fast so they don't need as many hc. Maybe they think stock price will drop and they can't afford the new hires
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How do you speed up your rank tracking process? Start with optimizing your rank tracking process with these four tips. The post 4 Useful Tips To Make Keyword Rank Tracking More Efficient appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
[Error] InnoDB: Clustered record for sec rec not found InnoDB: sec index record PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 3; compact format; info bits 0
One of those errors which cause several hours of searching for reason and table repairing.
The solution could be: alter table table_name engine=innodb;
on every table with corrupted index
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Single page apps are all the rage today, but they don't always operate the same as traditional web pages. The post What I wish I had known about single page applications appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.
.... ~47. minute
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Over the years, Docker has become the de facto standard for building, shipping and running server applications. Docker allows you to store all the instructions needed to build the environment that will host your software next to the code, in the repository of the project. I'm very excited to announce that after 6 years of teamwork, Symfony and API Platform now include an industry-first set of tools designed to automatically create, manage and run the Docker conta
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Can you type at the speed of thought? The post Podcast 393: 250 words per minute on a chorded keyboard? Only if you can think that fast. appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.
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Čas bývá naše nejcennější komodita. Produktivní část dne dělíme jednak mezi práci, jednak mezi osobní život a v obou případech musíme dobře plánovat. Zejména v pracovním režimu lidé často tráví nekonečné hodiny na různých schůzkách, které jsou ale mnohdy neproduktivní, nebo na nich dokonce daný člověk vůbec nemusel být. Zlepšit Příspěvek Český startup Aimful pomáhá držet schůzky pod kontrolou a šetřit lidem čas. Od investorů získává první miliony pochází z CzechCrunch
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With one billion monthly active users, TikTok is in the upper echelon of social media apps. Not sure why it's so popular? Here's some data.The post Why Is TikTok So Popular? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
A few days ago we unveiled the redesign of the Symfony Documentation website. In addition to the new visual design, we revamped all the internals used to build the docs from their source. This article explains how we did it.
Building Symfony Docs The documentation of the Symfony project is Open Source and managed using the repository. Thousands of people from all over the world have contributed to these docs. It's one of the most popular doc projects of the entir
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Google has been fined by France’s antitrust authority and given two months to put forward new proposals before additional fines are given.The post Google Fined €500 Million For French News Negotiation Breach appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
What would convince you to leave the safety of steady paycheck to pursue your own adventure? The post Podcast 357: Leaving your job to pursue an indie project as a solo developer appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.
Družicové snímky nejsou pouhou fotkou kousku povrchu planety. Jde o naprosto přesný záznam slunečního záření odraženého od zemského povrchu na různých vlnových délkách. Tedy včetně těch, které lidské oko nevidí. Když je zanalyzuje český CleverFarm, dokáže díky nim i vlastním senzorům zjistit a dopočítat přesný stav plodin i půdy kdekoliv Příspěvek Češi hlídají kondici plodin už na třech kontinentech. CleverFarm umí změnit v úrodné i suché pole v Africe pochází z CzechCrunch
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Show different colors for different lines based on http status
tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log | awk ' / 200 / {print "\033[32m" $0 "\033[39m"} / 500 / {print "\033[31m" $0 "\033[39m"} / 302 / {print "\033[33m" $0 "\033[39m"} '
Finnish startup Contract Mill has announced the successful closure of a funding round of over €1 million. The round was co-led by Swiss investment company Actium AG and Veenay Shah, founder of HighQ, together with multiple distinguished international investors from the UK and Sweden. The funding will be used to further expand its operations in […] The post Finland-based Contract Mill raises over €1 million to disrupt document automation business appeared first on EU-Startups.
[3 minuty čtení] Na GRUB 2.06 naváže v příštím roce GRUB 2.11, Olympijské hry v Tokiu budou v USA streamovány v 4k HDR + Atmos, Blizzard a jeho marný boj s pomocí DMCA, Tesla Model S Plaid s výkonným CPU a GPU. Po GRUBu verzí 2.0, 2.02, 2.04 a čerstvé 2.06 přijde v příštím roce nezvyklý skok v číslování. Příští verze zvýší hodnotu na 2.11. Phoronix k tomu dodává, že důvodem jsou problémy některých skriptů s tím, když číslování obsahuje nuly, proto nepůjde ani o GRUB 2.10. Správce GRUBu Daniel Ki
Od ledna příštího roku vstoupí do platnosti nová směrnice Evropské unie, která vyžaduje pravidelné informování uživatelů o spotřebě energií, a to jednou měsíčně. Od roku 2027 pak budou povinné kompletní implementace dálkově odečitatelných měřičů a poměrových rozdělovačů tepla. I když se může zdát, že jde o poměrně dalekou budoucnost, svou Příspěvek Správa nemovitostí je zastaralá, hlásí český startup BeiT. Obsluhuje už 25 tisíc domovů a letos míří na tržby 10 milionů pochází z CzechCrunch
Okolní vesmír je jako temný hvozd. Tichý, ponurý, na první pohled mrtvý. Ve stínech se ale plíží lovci, hráči vesmírného LARPu, kteří to myslí smrtelně vážně. Největší hrozbou v temném lese jsou cizí lovci. Když se střetnou, tak je to vždy kdo s koho, na plno a bez skrupulí. Taková je hypotéza Temného lesa, která vysvětluje Fermiho paradox strachem a opatrností.
Dvouleté startupové dobrodružství Petra Kováčika končí. Šestatřicetiletý podnikatel zavírá startup Blabu, se kterým chtěl pomáhat lidem zlepšovat se v cizích jazycích. Rozvoj firmy poznamenal příchod pandemie, kvůli němuž nedokázala dotáhnout klíčové financování, a nakonec nepomohla ani změna byznys modelu. „Cítil jsem, že nemáme dobrou trakci a byla by to už Příspěvek Končíme, ztratili jsme trakci a už by to byla jen agónie. Petr Kováčik po dvou letech zavírá startup Blabu pochází z CzechCrunch
1 Zrádná tetování Další z bossů italské mafie ’Ndrangheta byl dopaden, tentokrát v Karibiku, poté, co se objevil v kuchařských videích na YouTube. Marc Feren Claude Biart vedl donedávna v Boca Chica v Dominikánské republice poklidný život. Zradil ho jeho YouTube kanál, na kterém předváděl své italské kuchařské dovednosti. Ve videích nikdy neukazoval svou tvář, ale tetování na těle ho prozradila. Biart byl na útěku od roku 2014, kdy italští prokurátoři nařídili jeho zatčení za obchodování s koka
Ve vzdálenosti 153 světelných let pozorujeme otevřenou hvězdokupu Hyády. Postupně se rozpadá, ale před časem jí něco dalo pořádně zabrat. Zřejmě se střetla se s objektem o hmotnosti asi 10 milionů Sluncí, jehož gravitace hvězdokupu potrhala. Problém je, že v dané oblasti nic takového není vidět. Prý by to mohlo být prastaré subhalo temné hmoty, které se toulá Galaxií. Doufejme, že nikoliv naším směrem.
The US coronavirus stimulus program could inadvertently drive an increase in the price of Bitcoin.
Již tradičně vám přinášíme páteční #zesvěta – přehled toho, co se děje mimo Českou republiku, co nás zaujalo a vám by nemělo uniknout. #1 Vakcíny pod drobnohledem INTERPOL oznámil rozbití sítě překupníků falešných vakcín proti koronaviru. Ve skladu v Jihoafrické republice našli policisté asi 400 ampulek, které by vydaly na 2400 dávek, ale také zdravotnické roušky. Zatčeno bylo několik Číňanů a obyvatel Zambie. Falešné vakcíny byly díky INTERPOLU zabaveny i v Číně. Nadnárodní policie se na jejic
Květák 3x jinak! Tyhle recepty zaručeně neznáte: pečený, v kuličkách i v koláči - Proženy
I don't know if you can believe it, but we're fast approaching the end of January. And I want to kick off the first review recap of 2025 by acknowledging how busy it's already been. CES 2025, which to me seemed to go on for a year, now feels like it happened months ago. We've witnessed TikTok disapp
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Cleaning stainless steel appliances can be better if you have the best products and methods for removing fingerprints, water stains and grease.
A small iPhone upgrade is the first step in a huge Apple smart tech push this year.
Don't miss the latest on Netflix, Prime Video and more. Here's what's coming the week of Jan. 27 to Feb. 2.
For a 16-inch laptop, it's thin and light, and long running too. But it's hard to look past the budget display.
Deli meat, carrots and onions were just a few food products affected by recalls in 2024.
Freezing pipes can burst, leading to some of the worst winter home disasters. Smart home tech is starting to find the necessary solutions.
The Savior Tactical Mobile SSD is a product best filed under "bad idea".
Previous rumors had pointed to a slimmed down Dynamic Island on the iPhone 17, but this contradicts them.
This week, Intel proposed a modular laptop design for laptops and mini-PCs that focuses on the right-to-repair and sustainability.
Microsoft added a 'Drag Tray' to a Windows 11 Insider Preview to make it easier to share files from the File Explorer.
MSI Afterburner now supports Nvidia's latest RTX 50 GPUs and adds quad-fan control functionality.
Sub $230 board offers big value compared to Z890, but not against its peers.
Touted as ‘The Highest Performance RISC-V CPU Development Board in the World’, the HiFive Premier P550 aims to be the development board of choice for RISC developers.
A developer created a version of Snake that relies on animations at the sub-pixel level.
The Linux kernel sources expanded beyond 40 million lines with the release of 6.14 rc1.
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Apple recommends everyone download the update.
Buffalo and Kansas City meet today on CBS and Paramount Plus.
Give yourself more control over your music, podcasts and more.
The sunsetting of the Affordable Connectivity Program means that households have fewer options for affordable internet. Here's how Lifeline can help.
Diagnosing iPhone problems from afar has always been difficult. Now you can see and use a phone from hundreds of miles away.
Not all keyboards are created equal - especially if they follow these trends.
Here's the latest news and rumors surrounding Presumed Innocent season 2, which will air on Apple TV Plus.
AMD FSR 4 retroactive support for FSR 3.1 titles is confirmed and explained.
MSI recently launch several B860 motherboards with BIOS optimized for CXMT DDR5 memory.
This week, the upcoming Symfony 7.3 version improved the invokable command feature, deprecated the use of option arrays for configuring validation constraints, and updated the JsonEncoder component to allow warming up objects and lists. In addition, we announced…
We are facing an intermittent issue in our web application where for some users for some reasons http requests are ending in error ( 400s ) esp. during token refresh with authentication server.
Normally, we would ask user to generate the HAR ( HTTP archive file ) and we inspect to find the root cause. However, at this time it is challenging to collect the HAR file manually because the error is not consistent. Sometimes it seems to goes away but suddenly appears causing bad user exp
The Federal Reserve's first policy meeting of the year won't change much for mortgage rates in the near term.
Longtime NFC East foes Washington and Philadelphia meet this afternoon for a chance to go to the Super Bowl. The game is on Fox, and you don't need cable to watch.
Microsoft-backed d-Matrix's Corsair PCIe card has 2GB of SRAM performance memory.
Social media titan TikTok is under pressure to sell its operations, owing to laws passed by U.S. Congress. Could Microsoft swoop in?
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Points: 84
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The top two seeds face off in a potential classic climax at the Rod Laver Arena.
Even amid uncertainty about the future of SAVE, you can take control of your student loans.
Here are the answers for The New York Times Mini Crossword for Jan. 26.
Space heaters can be a serious fire hazard if you're not careful during use. Keep these tips in mind before using yours to stay warm during the colder months.
The Dyson Digital Slim has appeared on the market, but it's not a flagship model. Here's what you need to know about Dyson's new streamlined, budget-friendly cordless vacuum.
TL;DR: Learn how to use AI to simplify your job with the ChatGPT and Automation E-Degree on
TL;DR: Get a 1minAI lifetime subscription for $99.99 before codes sell out—less than
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