Ask HN: How much traffic do you serve and with which database engine?

It's common to see here that Postgres hosted in RDS can handle 99% of workloads up to millions of users. I'm building an IoT app with a plan to ingest the IoT traffic into dynamo partitioned on user id (I'm quite familiar with the tradeoffs) and everything else be in Postgres. A few services but not microservice (basically: core service, identity service, IoT data service, notification service). Ingesting and monitoring about 1,000,000 IoT devices daily (1 packer per device per day) and abou

Chrome for Android doesn't have extensions, but Edge now has a whole store

Microsoft edge's latest build version 134.0.3124.57, just added a whole new web-store for Android user unlike google. Extensions are great for adding a tiny bit of functionality to a browsing experience without dedicating an entire app to run in the background. For instance, some users like to use VPNs securely tied in from the browser itself rather than running the full-scale app.

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