May 2023: Flutter 3.10, Dart 3.0, and Google I/O Highlights

What's new in Dart and Flutter, Impeller and the future of iOS development, Flutter Web improvements, building next-gen UIs in Flutter, Dart Edge on Supabase.

June 2023: Tim Sneath Leaving Google, SwiftUI vs Flutter, Custom Fragment Shaders

All the Flutter news from the last month, including insights from the Stack Overflow 2023 Developer Survey, new packages, articles, and videos

Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar with Stateful Nested Routes using GoRouter

How to implement bottom and side navigation with stateful nested routes in Flutter using the GoRouter package (example app with source code included).

Flutter & Firebase Auth on macOS: Resolving Common Issues

Getting a Flutter & Firebase app to work on macOS is a tricky endeavour. Follow this step-by-step guide to get it working.

What’s New in Dart 3: Introduction

An overview of the major features introduced in Dart 3, including: records, patterns, switch expressions, sealed classes, and class modifiers.

How to use Abstraction and the Repository Pattern Effectively in your Flutter apps

An in-depth overview of what abstractions to use to write backend-agnostic code that is more testable and maintainable, along with their tradeoffs.

Firebase Pros and Cons (for Flutter app development)

An overview of Firebase as a BaaS platform, including available features, supported platforms, pricing, portability, documentation, and developer experience.

Firestore Pagination Made Easy with FirestoreListView in Flutter

A simple guide showing how to use the FirestoreListView widget to enable pagination when loading large collections of documents from Firestore.

How to write Flutter apps faster with Riverpod Lint & Riverpod Snippets

The new Riverpod Lint package adds useful lints and refactoring options that make writing Flutter apps a breeze. Here's how to make the most of it.

How to Use Enhanced Enums with Members in Dart 2.17

Since Dart 2.17, we can add members and additional methods when declaring an enum. Here's how.

