How to build an interactive page flip widget using Flutter's AnimationController, AnimationBuilder, gesture detectors and custom 3D matrix transforms.
Many Material widgets such as InkWell, ElevatedButton, and ListTile show a splash effect when selected. Here's how to disable this.
A complete guide to the Riverpod package for Flutter state management. Included: core concepts & how to use all the available providers.
Mixing UI and logic inside Flutter widgets is bad. Here's how to refactor a simple app for better separation of concerns, immutability, and type safety using Freezed & State Notifier.
An overview of Flutter's built-in widgets for managing state, along with links to the best resources from the official Flutter documentation.
Two effective techniques for reducing code generation times for Flutter apps that use with build_runner.
Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 2 shows how to build an email and password form with validation, and how to add Firebase to the project (iOS setup included).
Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 3 shows how to sign in with Firebase authentication, add the registration flow, write asynchronous code with async/await, and handle errors.
Let's see how to use platform channels by building an image picker on iOS, and using it from the Dart code.
Login and registration flow with Firebase. Part 4 shows how to redirect user to a welcome screen after logging in. Also how to refactor the authentication code into a separate reusable class.