In-depth overview of Slivers and how to use them (part 2). Includes a demo app showing how to use SliverList, SliverGrid, SliverToBoxAdapter, SliverFillRemaining.
Overview of the tools I use in my Flutter app development workflow. Including Sketch, Supernova, VS Code, GitUp, GitHub, Firebase, Codemagic.
Introduction to Provider, a popular package used for dependency injection and state management in Flutter. This tutorial shows how to use it to enable flavors in your Flutter apps.
Essential guide to Provider for state management in Flutter. This tutorial shows how to refactor the counter app with Provider, and includes in-depth explanations about ChangeNotifier, ChangeNotifierProvider, Provider.of, Consumer and ValueNotifier.
Multi-part tutorial on how to choose and upload an avatar image to Firestore. Part 1 is an overview of initial project setup, and shows how to connect things together with Provider.
Let's see how to write integration tests with Flutter Driver, how they differ from widget tests, and how to run them with Codemagic.
Multi-part tutorial on how to choose and upload an avatar image to Firestore. Part 2 shows how to use MultiProvider to create multiple services, and how to deal with stream dependencies.
Multi-part tutorial on how to choose and upload an avatar image to Firestore. Part 3 shows more advanced use cases of Provider to reduce boilerplate code, deal with navigation, and minimise unwanted widget rebuilds.
Dart extensions unlock a few interesting use cases in Flutter apps. This tutorial shows how to enable them, what they are, when to use them, and when not to.
Evaluating Flutter from various criteria: Portability, Language Tooling and Features, Documentation, Performance, Testing, Community, Package Ecosystem, Maintainer Commitment and many more.