Tricks to Cut Corners Using CSS Mask and Clip-Path Properties

We recently covered creating fancy borders with CSS mask properties, and now we are going to cut the corners with CSS mask and clip-path! A lot of techniques exist to cut different shapes from the corners of any element. …

Tricks to Cut Corners Using CSS Mask and Clip-Path Properties originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

3y | CSS tricks
6 Useful Bookmarklets to Boost Web Development

A bookmarklet is a JavaScript-based bookmark that adds to a web browser. I’d like to show you some awesome web browser hacks to aid your web development workflow and how to convert those hacks into time-saving bookmarklets.

Activating design mode

6 Useful Bookmarklets to Boost Web Development originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

3y | CSS tricks
Write HTML, the HTML Way (Not the XHTML Way)

You may not use XHTML (anymore), but when you write HTML, you may be more influenced by XHTML than you think. You are very likely writing HTML, the XHTML way. What is the XHTML way of writing HTML, and what …

Write HTML, the HTML Way (Not the XHTML Way) originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

3y | CSS tricks
Optimizing SVG Patterns to Their Smallest Size

I recently created a brick wall pattern as part of my #PetitePatterns series, a challenge where I create organic-looking patterns or textures in SVG within 560 bytes (or approximately the size of two tweets). To fit this constraint, I have …

Optimizing SVG Patterns to Their Smallest Size originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

3y | CSS tricks
CSS-Tricks is joining DigitalOcean!

Hey hey! I’ve got a big announcement to make here. (Where’s my gong? I feel like this really needs a good gong hit.) CSS-Tricks, this very website you’re looking at, has been acquired by DigitalOcean! You can hear …

CSS-Tricks is joining DigitalOcean! originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

3y | CSS tricks
Build Membership Businesses with Memberful

(This is a sponsored post.) What would your business be like if you sold memberships? It might be more than fun to think about, in fact, it might just be transformative. With membership, would you include little add-ons or …

Build Membership Businesses with Memberful originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

3y | CSS tricks
Say Hello to selectmenu, a Fully Style-able select Element

I want to introduce you to a new, experimental form control called . We’ll get deep into it, including how much easier it is to style than a traditional element. But first, let’s fill in some context …

Say Hello to selectmenu, a Fully Style-able select Element originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

3y | CSS tricks
7 Fresh Links on Performance For March 2022

I have a handful of good links to articles about performance that are burning a hole in my bookmarks folder, and wanna drop them here to share. The new WebPageTest website design

From fonts to SVG: an icon migration strategy

7 Fresh Links on Performance For March 2022 originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

3y | CSS tricks
How to Make a “Raise the Curtains” Effect in CSS

“Raise the curtains” is what I call an effect where the background goes from dark to light on scroll, and the content on top also goes from light to dark while in a sticky position. Here’s an example where I …

How to Make a “Raise the Curtains” Effect in CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

3y | CSS tricks
CSS Custom Highlight API: The Future of Highlighting Text Ranges on the Web

Styling ranges of text in software is a very useful thing to be able to do. Thankfully, we have the CSS Custom Highlight API to look forward to because it represents the future of styling text ranges on the web.…

CSS Custom Highlight API: The Future of Highlighting Text Ranges on the Web originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

3y | CSS tricks
