I’m confused about Static Site Generators. Are they only for informational sites where I can’t log in or display any dynamic data?

(This is a sponsored post.) I got this question from a listener the other day. Fair question, I’d say. The word “Static” in “Static Site Generator” is at-odds with the word “Dynamic.” It seems to imply that the website … https://css-tricks.com/confused-about-ssgs/

3y | CSS tricks
Think Without Boxes

What’s the one thing people can do to make their website better? Now that is a good question. One with many right answers, like improving performance, taking care of accessibility, and upgrading user experience as prime examples. These are all … https://css-tricks.com/think-without-boxes/

3y | CSS tricks
File Scaffolding With Hygen

I read a a recent Smashing Magazine post that recommendation Hygen. I just happen to be doing quite a bit of new UI work in a Next.js app and the amount of manual folder/file scaffolding I was doing was … https://css-tricks.com/file-scaffolding-with-hygen/

3y | CSS tricks
CSS-Tricks Chronicle XXXXI

Ya know, I used to do one of these posts after making a few podcast appearances I hadn’t had a chance to link up yet, so I could share them. As fate would have it, I haven’t been on many … https://css-tricks.com/css-tricks-chronicle-xxxxi/

3y | CSS tricks
Shadow Palette Generator

Josh’s Shadow Palette Generator is a fantastic tool. The premise is that box-shadow pretty much always looks better when there are multiple layered shadows that are a bit tinted. It reminds me of how gradients almost always look better when … https://css-tricks.com/shadow-palette-generator/

3y | CSS tricks
Ship a Full-Stack App in Days with AWS Amplify Studio

(This is a sponsored post.) Amazon has a vision with AWS Amplify. First, a premise:

As browsers have become faster and more powerful over the last decade, front-end developers are building web apps that are more feature-rich and … https://css-tricks.com/ship-a-full-stack-app-in-days-with-aws-amplify-studio/

3y | CSS tricks
Embrace the Platform

So what is the one thing that people can do is to make their website better? To answer that, let’s take a step back in time …

The year is 1998, and the web is on the rise. In an … https://css-tricks.com/embrace-the-platform/

3y | CSS tricks
Why would a business push a native app over a website?

I wanted to write down what I think the reasons are here in December of 2021 so that we might revisit it from time to time in the future and see if these reasons are still relevant. I’m a web … https://css-tricks.com/why-would-a-business-push-a-native-app-over-a-website/

3y | CSS tricks
Using Position Sticky With CSS Grid

Say you’ve got a two-column CSS grid and you want one of those columns to behave like position: sticky;. There is nothing stopping you from doing that. But the default height for those two columns is going to be … https://css-tricks.com/using-position-sticky-with-css-grid/

3y | CSS tricks
Standardizing Focus Styles With CSS Custom Properties

Take two minutes right now and visit your current project in a browser. Then, using only the Tab key, you should be able to navigate between interactive elements including buttons, links, and form elements.

If you are sighted, you should… https://css-tricks.com/standardizing-focus-styles-with-css-custom-properties/

3y | CSS tricks
