Fastest Flutter vs React Native comparison

React Native works for your application and you know it well? Go with React Native. Flutter works for your application, and you know it well? Go with Flutter. You’re working in a team of ten React Native developers, and you’re the only Flutter develo...

Know the Widgets in Flutter: Scaffold

You are reading this post means you have just started learning flutter, and now every tutorial or codelab you open you came across a widget named Scaffold. Do not worry after reading this blog post you will have a clear understanding of Scaffold. If ...

How to properly organize your API EndPoints in Flutter

Hi everyone, in this post, I'll show you how I organize my API call in one class to manage my API endpoint better and pass parameters to them. If you've got an app that syncs or gets information from a third-party service you must call some API from ...

Handling Blob URL's in Flutter WebView

Flutter is a popular open-source framework for building mobile and web applications. The WebView widget in Flutter allows you to display web content in your app. However, sometimes you may need to handle blob URLs in a WebView. A blob URL is a type o...

I asked ChatGPT to give me a design system for Flutter

Flutter Design System Proposed Here is a basic design system that you can use in your Flutter app:

Color palette: Choose a set of colors that will be used consistently throughout the app. This might include a primary color, secondary color, and acce...

Google Dev Library Letters: Monthly Roundup #17

Check out the latest projects and community-authored content from . We hope this brings you the inspiration you need for your next project! Highlights of the Month Android Transformers by Daichi Furiya : See the Android t...

Six Essential AWS Services to Learn as a Flutter Developer

As a Flutter developer, learning the ins and outs of Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be a game-changer for your app development projects. There are several things you should learn about AWS (Amazon Web Services) to build robust and scalable application...

Handling Blob URL's in Flutter WebView

Flutter is a popular open-source framework for building mobile and web applications. The WebView widget in Flutter allows you to display web content in your app. However, sometimes you may need to handle blob URLs in a WebView. A blob URL is a type o...

9 Interesting Reasons You’ve Never Heard That Make Flutter A Great Framework 🏆

Organizations are developing cross-platform apps using frameworks like React Native, Xamarin, and AngularJS in recent years. Despite this, cross-platform development remains a challenge. Many times, despite best efforts, the user experience simply fa...

Flutter as Freshers

Flutter is a free and open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, and the web. One of the key features of Flutter is its reactive programming model,...
