Google  Developer  Tools :flutter

Flutter: Flutter is the open-source UI software development kit created by google. It's used to develop cross-platform applications for android ,iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, Google Fuchsia and the web from a single code base without compromising on qu...

Flutter Equatable

Hello everyone, in this article we are going in-depth with the Flutter Equatable package. We will understand why we use this package. What does it provide? What problem does it solve? and many more. So let’s first understand what is the problem state...

Migrating a Flutter app to Material 3

This article is written by Taha Tesser and originally posted to Codemagic blog.

At Google I/O 2021, Google announced the next evolution of Material Design, Material You, along with Android 12. The Material Design system's biggest overhaul yet brough...

Flutter Riverpod: Effortlessly Managing API Calls in Your App


Welcome to my blog! In this blog, we will be exploring how to make an API call using Riverpod.

If you have been following my Riverpod series, you know that we have covered a wide range of concepts related to this state management.

We ...

State Management in Flutter & their Libraries- Why you need to know as Flutter Developer

Flutter Flutter is a mobile app development framework created by Google. It uses the Dart programming language and allows for the creation of natively compiled apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. It provides a rich set of custom...

State Management in Flutter - Why you need to know as Flutter Developer

Flutter Flutter is a mobile app development framework created by Google. It uses the Dart programming language and allows for the creation of natively compiled apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. It provides a rich set of custom...

How to build and deploy Flutter apps with Gitlab pipeline on Playstore and Appstore

Hello there, in this article, we will look at how to write a GitLab pipeline to build and deploy our Flutter apps to Playstore and Appstore.

One of the most popular development methodologies in software development is continuous integration or CI. B...

Connect Supabase to flutter & perform CRUD Operation

Hello! In this blog post, I will walk you through how to set up supabase for your flutter app and after reading this written tutorial you would be able to connect Supabase with flutter and create, read, update, and delete data in your database. Supab...

Using Google Sheets, Flutter and Fincra API to build a Cinema Ticketing App

Prerequisites: This app will be built with the flutter framework, using google sheets for storing the data and the Fincra API for receiving payments. For this you'll need:

Flutter version 3.3.3

A Google Account with Google Cloud Console

A Fincra M...

Experience of Learning Flutter Development

So, to begin with why did I learn Flutter? It was because of the fact that it came out recently and I had to get my hands dirty in a new technology. I also had interest in mobile apps and how they were made. So lets start with it. What is Flutter? S...
