FinTech App Development [mini-guide]

There are several different factors that you have to consider while developing a Fintech app. These factors include compliance, technology, and the size of the project. In addition, you will have to consider your Business goals and legal requirements...

Coding a Console App with dart language

After the user had inputted the required information, it will print out the Hogwart house he/she belongs to. Here is the step-by-step process for coding the console app. (1). To take input from the console, I need to import a library called dart:io f...

Dropdown  Button  in  Flutter

Hey Guys, Have you ever been stuck and you don't know the exact thing to do anymore, trust me, there are some bugs that won't just let you kill them (if you like use Bagon😂)... Well, I came across this bug 🐞 , yeah and I checked through Flutter do...

The different tech strategies for building a cross-platform app

What are the general technology choices to build an app that runs both on mobile and on web/desktop? Let's list them and detail some important factors and gotchas with each approach. You could also skip to my recommendation at the end. Note that this...

No Code (The Common Man Revolution)

As an amateur programmer, I can tell you from experience that learning how to code has its frustrating moments. Trying to identify bugs in your code can be extremely time-consuming and downright irritating. You stare at a screen for hours on end tryi...

Cupertino lists, the missing widgets from the Flutter Cupertino collection

Although Flutter provides an easy mechanism to be able to create the UI once for all platforms, there are times when it is desirable to closely tweak the visuals to match the native elements of the platform. We might want to do this so the user feels...

A Developer Journey of developing the app from scratch to production.

Hello Om Jogani here, In this post, I am gonna share my experience of developing a mobile application from scratch to the launching to the google play store (Production). When I was completely new to the programming world, I was a little curious abo...

Flutter BLoC in a nutshell

The nutshell

How the code actually looks like

Check out the all the details and amazing tutorials :

Git Flow with Flutter

Branches Standards

Main (Production Version)




GitFlow CheatSheet

References A Successful Git Branching Model GitFlow Code Git Flow CheatSheet OneFlow – a Git branching model and workflow GitFlow Docs What Are the Best ...

Flutter Developer Guide

Mason Mason import 'dart:io';

import 'package:mason/mason.dart';

