#Flutter How to handle multiple versions of Flutter in windows

Recently, I faced a problem in my workflow that my current flutter version is not compatible with some dependencies, so the solution is I have to downgrade my flutter SDK. But downgrading is also not simple, however, there is a command for a downgrad... https://amandevblogs.hashnode.dev/flutter-how-to-handle-multiple-versions-of-flutter-in-windows

SideGuide: Learn to program inside VS Code

Have you ever wondered what sets a 10x dev apart? It’s not just intelligence, discipline, and creativity. It’s attention. Science has shown that attention, or focus, is a resource. A resource that, for programmers, is like gold. Maintaining focus is ... https://blog.sideguide.dev/sideguide-learn-to-program-inside-vs-code

Flutter: Scrolling to the first invalid form field

Do you want functionality like scrolling to the first invalid field (after being validated)? So, one of my projects has verrry long form fields. (I know it's imperfect at UX, but that is the specifics of the application). And that came to the questio... https://thanhle.hashnode.dev/flutter-scrolling-to-the-first-invalid-form-field

Push Notifications in Flutter with Native Notify

Push Notifications are short messages, alerts, and information sent from third-party applications that pop up on a user’s phone, Tab, or desktop, nudging them to take specific actions. Push notifications aid in sending updates on products and service... https://iamvictorsam.hashnode.dev/push-notifications-in-flutter-with-native-notify

Dart #2 and #3 feat Flutter #1

Keeping the review of Dart, I rewatched some classes about enums (I still don't understand it very well), JSON, exceptions, maps... I think I need some time to process those concepts since they're not very clear to me yet. But, in time, and with som... https://jalter4.hashnode.dev/dart-2-and-3-feat-flutter-1

Groveman: The best logging for Dart/Flutter applications 🐛

Sabemos que nenhum desenvolvedor Flutter vive apenas de debugPrint(não em teoria) e que dentro deste universo de packages temos os tão amados packages de logging e cada um deles com suas peculiaridades. De modo geral muitos destes packages vão além ... https://lucasnaiade.dev/groveman-the-best-logging-for-dartflutter-applications


Day 26 [21 -07- 2022]: I spent the day learning and refreshing my knowledge about #flutter widgets namely:

Rounded Corners(ClipRRect) GridView and GridView.builder() Image.asset() GestureDetector BottomNavigationBar()

I also learnt about

Frosted ... https://galadima3.hashnode.dev/day-26

The simplest way to implement a dark mode feature in a flutter application

Nowadays, the dark mode feature has become everyone’s default go-to display setting due to many reasons; like its ability to prolong the battery life of a device, reduce eye strain, and increase visibility for people with low vision who are sensitive... https://jaycodes1.hashnode.dev/the-simplest-way-to-implement-a-dark-mode-feature-in-a-flutter-application

Close App Confirmation Behaviour

Default flutter Navigator.pop() will close the app when there is no stacked pages in the navigation.

The sudden close app may make users feel strange as they may not aware this is the last page of the app. However, different platforms may have a sl... https://maylau.hashnode.dev/close-app-confirmation-behaviour

10 GitHub Repositories to Make you a 10x Developer 🤩

1) How WebWorks: 👉 What happens behind the scenes when we type www.google.com in a browser? 🔗 LINK 2) Developer Roadmaps: 👉 This is probably the best and most complete roadmap, that will help you to grasp the bigger picture of the development land... https://aree.hashnode.dev/10-github-repositories-to-make-you-a-10x-developer
