5 Steps to Secure Flutter App Instantly
  1. Know What You Are Using Flutter community is good. Many useful and good quality packages on pub.dev are ready on hand by many open source maintainers. The frontend application development is fast and easy now. Although many packages are in good qu... https://maylau.hashnode.dev/5-steps-to-secure-flutter-app-instantly
What is Flutter App Development & How to learn Flutter?

The tech world is updating day by day. To know the latest trends in IT and implement them in your app development procedures will help you greatly in the software field. For the people who are into software app development services, you guys might ha... https://pixbit.hashnode.dev/what-is-flutter-app-development-and-how-to-learn-flutter

Movie Recommender powered by Jina AI

Introduction Have you ever felt confused and wondered what new movie to watch, or watch a movie of a particular genre or maybe even a new movie that is similar to your favourite movie. Well, why not make our Movie Recommender that takes a text query ... https://blog.commclassroom.org/movie-recommender-powered-by-jina-ai

BLoC Architectural Pattern for Flutter

BLoC is an architectural pattern for Flutter, but what is an architectural pattern? Let me explain everything in a nutshell. What is an architectural pattern Let’s start by asking this question: what is a pattern? In software development, an architec... https://rolanddumitrascu.hashnode.dev/bloc-architectural-pattern-for-flutter

怎样在你的Flutter应用中加入ObjectBox Admin Web App

ObjectBox是一个速度超快的移动/边缘数据库,可应用于移动设备、车辆以及各种IOT设备的本地存储。 ObjectBox Admin Web App(前身是ObjectBox Data Browser)被用来查看设备中ObjectBox数据库的数据和表,导出JSON格式的数据。 配置及代码改动 建议只在调试版本中使用ObjectBox Admin Web App,不要在生产版本中使用。

  1. 修改文件:android/app/build.gradle 添加如下代码: configuratio... https://mayi.hashnode.dev/flutter-objectbox-admin-web-app
3 Steps to Migrate to Lint 2.0

Flutter 3.0 introduce along with the lint 2.0. For project created after flutter 3.0 will automatically use the lint 2.0, but for project created previously required to migrate manually.

  1. Add flutter_lints package to dev dependance flutter pub add ... https://maylau.hashnode.dev/3-steps-to-migrate-to-lint-20
Dart's Extension Methods: Demystified

Introduction As a Flutter Developer, you must have used packages/libraries and wanted to add some additional functionality to them based on your use cases. But you cannot just add methods to that class as the original class is in someone else's libra... https://blog.adityasharma.co/darts-extension-methods-demystified

An Introduction to GetX State Management in Flutter

We have to decide on the state management approach that's going to be used in our flutter application before we start developing it. In this article, we will create a simple flutter application using one of the popular state management approaches in ... https://codingbug.dev/an-introduction-to-getx-state-management-in-flutter

Coding Period: Week 1 (June 13-June17)

The NeoRoo project I had undertaken, was a completely new project and I had to start right from bootstrapping a flutter app using "flutter create". I analyzed the ECEB app and followed the similar coding practice. I decided to use Bloc for state mana... https://bhagwatcoderwrites.hashnode.dev/coding-period-week-1-june-13-june17

2 Steps to Make Project Always in Dart Format

Maintaining flutter projects and open source packages, keeping all source in dart format is important to let other collaborators to review your PRs with ease and passing flutter analyse for package. Since most of my projects are on GitHub and GitLab,... https://maylau.hashnode.dev/2-steps-to-make-project-always-in-dart-format
