Flutter Riverpod Tutorial Part 6: Riverpod Scopes and Overriding Providers

In this tutorial, we'll explore the use of ProviderScope for creating isolated sections in your app and learn how to override providers for different configurations and testing. We'll also look at practical examples to illustrate these concepts. Sect... https://harishkunchala.com/flutter-riverpod-tutorial-part-6-riverpod-scopes-and-overriding-providers

Flutter Riverpod Tutorial Part 5: Riverpod Hooks

We are going to create a new app to use Flutter hooks. You can find the source code here: learn_flutter_hooks If you want to know more about Flutter Hooks. You can read it here: https://harishkunchala.com/flutter-hooks-everything-to-know-about-them T... https://harishkunchala.com/flutter-riverpod-tutorial-part-5-riverpod-hooks

Demystifying APIs: The Secret Ingredient Powering Your Favorite Apps

Imagine a scenario 🤔🧐👩‍💻🧑‍💻 Have you ever wondered how a rideshare app connects you with a driver, or how a weather app delivers real-time forecasts? The answer lies in a powerful tool behind the scenes: APIs (Application Programming Interfaces... https://kamranhccp.hashnode.dev/what-is-api-advantages-and-how-to-use-in-flutter

Two Days Indie Dev Life: Mailchimp, Webflow & Zapier - A Love Story

My new landing page is done, I got my email form with download link working and I found a cool new tool for measurements. I also share some nice Webflow templating insights and how I made a very big mistake 😁. Let’s get into it. Website & Leads Two ... https://devlifeofbrian.com/two-days-indie-dev-life-mailchimp-webflow-zapier-a-love-story

How to Use Dio Package for Networking in Flutter

What is Dio? Certainly! The Dio package is a powerful HTTP networking library for Dart and Flutter. It simplifies making network requests and handling responses. Here are some key features and examples of how to use Dio:

Global Configuration and Int... https://blog.joflee.com/how-to-use-dio-package-for-networking-in-flutter

Advanced Flutter Hooks

You can find the introduction to Flutter hooks here: Flutter Hooks, everything to know about them Now today we are going to look at few advanced concepts using Flutter Hooks useFuture: Example: Asynchronous Data Fetching with useFuture import 'packag... https://harishkunchala.com/advanced-flutter-hooks

Maestro for Flutterists

What is Maestro? https://www.mobile.dev/

It is an E2E testing framework for mobile with the following features

Released in September 2022

yaml-based test case writing

Flutter support

Can be embedded in CI/CD or run locally

It was just release... https://heyhey1028.hashnode.dev/maestro-for-flutterists

Flutter Hooks, everything to know about them

Flutter hooks is a powerful library that brings the functionality of React Hooks to Flutter. Why should we use Hooks?

Simplified Code: Hooks allow us to write more readable code by reducing boilerplate.

Reusable Logic: Hooks enable us to extract an... https://harishkunchala.com/flutter-hooks-everything-to-know-about-them

Android Vs Flutter Life cycle

onFocusGained is similar to onresume when the user returns to the first page. Using Flutter library : focus_detector < latest version > https://pub.dev/packages/focus_detector https://shailaja412.hashnode.dev/android-vs-flutter-life-cycle

Topic: 15 Understanding TDD in Flutter

Hello devs, So this is our last topic from the series Learn Flutter: Basic to Advance. So in this topic, we talk about TDD. Ok, devs So whenever you write a code for your Android App always remember to follow a test-driven development approach. Write... https://mayursinhdevblog.hashnode.dev/topic-15-understanding-tdd-in-flutter
