Dart Extensions Make My Heart Flutter 😇

Let me show you how useful dart extensions are in Flutter. Tired of calling final theme = Theme.of(context)

Create extension on BuildContext extension BuildContextExt on BuildContext { /// Usage: context.theme; ThemeData get theme => Theme.of(th... https://tkko.hashnode.dev/dart-extensions-make-my-heart-flutter

Dart Extensions Makes My Heart Flutter 😇

Let me show you how useful dart extensions are in Flutter. Tired of calling final theme = Theme.of(context)

Create extension on BuildContext extension BuildContextExt on BuildContext { /// Usage: context.theme; ThemeData get theme => Theme.of(th... https://tkko.hashnode.dev/dart-extensions-makes-my-heart-flutter

How to get SHA 1 and SHA 2 key in VS Code for Firebase Windows

We need SHA 1 and SHA 2 keys in Firebase to use phone authentication etc. Follow the steps given below to get SHA 1 key:

Open Terminal / cmd

Find path to .android file in your root folder. eg. path -> C:\Users\root.android

Now replace the "path" ... https://anushrii11.hashnode.dev/how-to-get-sha-1-and-sha-2-key-in-vs-code-for-firebase-windows

Improve Flutter Skills by Studying Production-Level Applications

There are many concepts to understand in mobile development. Among these are pagination in API requests, local storage, error reporting, debugging, testing, linting, and CI/CD. Following is a list of some open-source Flutter projects that can be used... https://nikkigoel.hashnode.dev/improve-flutter-skills-by-studying-production-level-applications

Building a social media app with AWS Amplify and Flutter(PART 4)

Welcome to the 4th and final post in this series.




In the last 3 posts, we setup Amplify to Work with Flutter,

Created a Login/Registration Screen Sign In With Google Created an update profile screen Create and Display Posts ... https://phatrabbitapps.com/building-a-social-media-app-with-aws-amplify-and-flutterpart-4

10 Flutter tips - season 2 - part 1/10

After the last part of the 1st season was published, there was actually no plan to do a second season, but you asked for it and here it is. We are looking at websites, packages, GitHub repositories, widgets, extensions and much more in the second sea... https://hashnode.com/post/10-flutter-tips-season-2-part-110-ckuzeegbb03d1szs15fdq2b4o

10 Flutter tips - season 2 - part 1/10

After the last part of the 1st season was published, there was actually no plan to do a second season, but you asked for it and here it is. We are looking at websites, packages, GitHub repositories, widgets, extensions and much more in the second sea... https://tomicriedel.hashnode.dev/10-flutter-tips-season-2-part-110

Building a social media app with AWS Amplify and Flutter(PART 3)

In PART 1 and PART 2 of this series, we covered how to configure Amplify with Flutter, create login/registration screens and update profile screen.

In this post, we'll look at how to let a user add and display all posts in the database in real time.... https://phatrabbitapps.com/building-a-social-media-app-with-aws-amplify-and-flutterpart-3

13 Reasons Why you should use Flutter

Wondering why should you bother trying Flutter on your next project and what your business gains with it? Regardless of whether you’re a CTO, a TechLead or occupy any other position that requires making effective tech decisions in your company, you’l... https://runtimeterror.hashnode.dev/13-reasons-why-you-should-use-flutter

Building a social media app with AWS Amplify and Flutter(PART 2)

1 October, 2021 - Loom Recording - Watch Video


Hi there, in the first part of this series, we briefly introduced and added amplify to our Flutter application.

In this second part, we'll continue from where we left off.

FULL SOURCE ... https://phatrabbitapps.com/building-a-social-media-app-with-aws-amplify-and-flutterpart-2
