![Implementing Immutability On Dart Utilising Freezed](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/A/N/q/J/w/implementing-immutability-on-dart-utilising-freezed.webp)
When I came across this topic of immutability in Dart, I wondered why would I ever want to make my classes immutable. Making a class immutable denotes that an object can not be changed after it has been created. I found the answer to my question afte... https://techblog.geekyants.com/implementing-immutability-on-dart-utilising-freezed
![Flutter Tutorial - Delivery App: Export Signature & Create Invoice PDF With Syncfusion Flutter Widget](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/p/0/N/y/X/flutter-tutorial-delivery-app-export-signature-create-invoice-pdf-with-syncfusion-flutter-widget.webp)
Create a Flutter Delivery App that generates an Invoice PDF document with the customer signature included using Syncfusion Flutter Widget. Syncfusion Flutter widgets are written natively in Dart to help you create rich, high-quality applications for ... https://arunraj123.hashnode.dev/flutter-tutorial-delivery-app-export-signature-and-create-invoice-pdf-with-syncfusion-flutter-widget
![Flutter For Beginners#3- Dart Crash Course](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/D/v/j/r/3/G/flutter-for-beginners-3-dart-crash-course.webp)
When Google started working on Flutter, they had an early decision to make: what programming language would it use? It could be a web-based language like JavaScript, or perhaps the natural choice would have been Java given that Android uses that. Or,... https://bezaleelnwabia.hashnode.dev/flutter-for-beginners3-dart-crash-course
![Using Cubit for Managing States in Flutter](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/A/N/A/L/r/using-cubit-for-managing-states-in-flutter.webp)
There are a plethora of state management solutions in Flutter. Provider, Bloc, RxDart, Riverpod, GetX, the list goes on! However, my preference is Cubit or, as I like to call it, mini Bloc. So, what is a Cubit? A Cubit is a class that exposes functio... https://neilruaro.hashnode.dev/using-cubit-for-managing-states-in-flutter
![Flutter 101: A simple Snackbar in Flutter](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/1/q/o/Z/q/A/flutter-101-a-simple-snackbar-in-flutter.webp)
Introduction Hello there! Welcome to my very first Flutter 101 post where I introduce you to Flutter basics! Inside an App, the App should give the user feedback when something happens. For example, when you click a Button to save something inside an... https://danysdevcorner.hashnode.dev/flutter-101-a-simple-snackbar-in-flutter
![Flutter Phone Authentication](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/8/q/R/Z/n/flutter-phone-authentication.webp)
![This week in Flutter #8](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/8/q/R/g/g/this-week-in-flutter-8.webp)
Get this newsletter directly in your inbox. Ever since I first watched this video from the Inkdrop developer Takuya Matsuyama, I wanted to try vim for Flutter. [Robert Brunhage] (https://robertbrunhage.com/) published a video on the topic, but I stil... https://mvolpato.hashnode.dev/this-week-in-flutter-8
![Flutter Web SEO workaround](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/K/G/R/r/v/flutter-web-seo-workaround.webp)
Flutter Web has a big problem, you like Flutter but then you get to know that Flutter it is not well optimized and has some problems with SEO.
Check this out! I'll give a few trick to use until, they, if, fix this problem.
So what's the problem?
![Integrating Riverpod For State Management In Flutter](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/W/E/X/5/P/integrating-riverpod-for-state-management-in-flutter.webp)
Introduction In this article we are going to learn the basics of using Riverpod as a tool for state management. Riverpod is a package written by the same author who wrote the providers package. This article will give you an understanding of the advan... https://techblog.geekyants.com/integrating-riverpod-for-state-management-in-flutter
![How To Use Providers For Enhanced State Management](https://www.cdn5.niftycent.com/d/k/8/q/R/E/L/how-to-use-providers-for-enhanced-state-management.webp)
We often use providers to manage the state of our application. Every provider can perform multiple tasks and each task can have multiple statuses at the time of execution which makes it challenging for UI developers to handle various states. In this... https://techblog.geekyants.com/how-to-use-providers-for-enhanced-state-management