11 Beginner Tips for Google's Flutter

11 Beginner Tips for Google's Flutter Flutter has established itself as a major player in the cross-platform space. I've been working on a Flutter app for the last 30 days, and here are a few things I've learned. Trailing Commas Are Not Optional Keyb... https://subjective.hashnode.dev/11-beginner-tips-for-googles-flutter

Don’t leave any function without it’s return type

If you don’t return anything from a function then try to make the function return type "void" because if you don’t give any return type then the “Dart” language sets the return type as “dynamic”. Which may have serious consequences. Like if you some... https://hashnode.com/post/dont-leave-any-function-without-its-return-type-ckp5mp9ox04hklcs15ugsdgu3

Flutter vs React Native: Comparison from a Developer’s Perspective

Despite some limitations, cross-platform development is quite popular. Instead of creating two separate native apps, for example with Swift and Kotlin, you only need one framework and a little setup to create an app for both iOS and Android. There ar... https://mobindustry.hashnode.dev/flutter-vs-react-native-comparison-from-a-developers-perspective

Create a Simple Timetable App with JSON & Flutter

This article will show you how to create a simple Flutter App to display a list of appointments from a JSON file. This is the first article in the series Simple Flutter Apps where I want to show how to code some simple apps in Flutter to help you g... https://blog.albertobonacina.com/create-a-simple-timetable-app-with-json-and-flutter

Creating PDF files with Multiple Images in Flutter

Introduction This step-by-step tutorial will guide you on how to create and view a PDF file with multiple images. It is a relatively easy process once you know the methods, and I will show you how to become natural for creating a pdf file in your pro... https://codereis.hashnode.dev/creating-pdf-files-with-multiple-images-in-flutter

Day 1 - Introduction To Dart

Hello Everyone! This is Day 1 of Learn Flutter in 30 Days series. In this article, I have introduced you to the dart language. At the end of this article, you will get familiar with the Dart language. Background of Dart: Dart is the language behind F... https://themujahidkhan.ninja/day-1-introduction-to-dart

Flutter app icons and splash screen

App Icons To generate icons for flutter app we have a nice package call flutter_launcher_icons. We can use it for generate icons. To add this package go to pubspec.yaml file dev_dependencies: flutter_launcher_icons: "^0.8.0"

flutter_icons: andro... https://thilina.hashnode.dev/flutter-app-icons-and-splash-screen

30 Days of Flutter - Introduction

Hello Everyone! In this series, I will be teaching Flutter from scratch. So, if you don’t have or have little knowledge about Flutter, you can follow this series. In the First 10 Days, I will be teaching Dart Programming because Flutter runs on Dart ... https://themujahidkhan.ninja/30-days-of-flutter-introduction

Going full-stack with Flutter and Supabase - Part 2: Database

Introduction In the previous part of this tutorial series, we went over what Supabase is, and started building a simple notes app with Supabase. So far, we got authentication working. In this part, we will go over Supabase's Database offering. We wil... https://dartling.dev/full-stack-with-flutter-and-supabase-pt-2-database

Free & Paid Flutter Templates

40-Best-Flutter-Templates What is a Flutter and how does it work? Flutter is a young but very promising platform that has already attracted the attention of large companies such as Google, ebay, BMW, NUbank, Alibaba Group and lots of others. This pla... https://hashnode.com/post/free-and-paid-flutter-templates-ckp2ojdil033ed3s1fnpq83gv
