Flutter Custom Splash Screen

What is it: Splash Screen is the first screen that appears when the application is started. You can picture it as the welcome page or first page of your presentation. There two key reasons for using a splash screen. First one is to have a customized ... https://codereis.hashnode.dev/flutter-custom-splash-screen

Implementing Singleton Pattern In Dart - Flutter

What is a singleton pattern? Singleton pattern is a design pattern that allows us to use a single instance of a class everywhere. Implementation class ClassName { static ClassName _className;

factory ClassNa...


Flutter Firebase Authentication using Email and Password

Version Dart: 2.12, Flutter: 2.0, VSCode: 1.55 Authenticating the app is one common task when you have to serve each user uniquely based on their personalized interests and securely save their data to provide the same personalized experience across a... https://blog.learncodeonline.in/flutter-firebase-authentication-using-email-and-password

Introduction first.

Hey everyone, and welcome to my blog page. First thing first this is my first ever blogging experience so if notice something I might improve just let me know down in the comments section below. Who I am? My name is Patrick Waweru as of the date of w... https://iampato.me/introduction-first-cknoyz3h50ocakos1ewma7zz8

Implementing Singleton Pattern In Dart - Flutter

What is a singleton pattern? Singleton pattern is a design pattern that allows us to use a single instance of a class everywhere. Implementation class ClassName { static ClassName _className;

factory ClassNa...


Introduction first.

Hey everyone, and welcome to my blog page. First thing first this is my first ever blogging experience so if notice something I might improve just let me know down in the comments section below. Who I am? My name is Patrick Waweru as of the date of w... https://iampato.hashnode.dev/introduction-first-cknoyz3h50ocakos1ewma7zz8

A Nice way to Navigate in Flutter without Context.

Picking the right title was a little bit harder than I thought, but here we go. When building a mobile application or any web application at all, developers might worry about switching from one screen to the other. Often it is easier with web develop... https://ibefx.hashnode.dev/a-nice-way-to-navigate-in-flutter-without-context-cknoptoz10m8dlps12s8pfobp

Application Life Cycles In Flutter

When making use of an app one tends to navigate / switch between pages, minimize(put the app in the background), return back to the app and even close the app entirely (i.e. stop it from running in the background). These activities transitions the ap... https://o-ifeanyi.hashnode.dev/application-life-cycles-in-flutter

Sharing info-rich links of your Flutter Website using Meta Tags

It's just the link? So let's say you've finished building that beautiful portfolio website with Flutter Web. You've hosted it on your favorite hosting service and now you want to invite people to check it out. You see a great opportunity on your Twit... https://blog.thearthur.dev/sharing-info-rich-links-of-your-flutter-website-using-meta-tags

The ultimate collection of vscode extensions for flutter

Flutter has been gained big popularity in the last few years, and today I'm going to show you the must-have Vscode Extensions to work comfortably with it and to multiply your productivity, so without any further words let go into it! 1-Flutter : T... https://yassine-bennkhay.tech/the-ultimate-collection-of-vscode-extensions-for-flutter
