GetX for your Flutter Applications Part 2: State Management

Now that we have gone through the introduction for the GetX package and explored the usage of some GetX methods in my previous blog, we are going to explore more on implementation of GetX State Management in flutter. In GetX State Management business...

GetX for your Flutter applications - Part 1

Have you worried about things like boiler plate, time consumption for code generations bundling up along with your state management packages and long syntax for simple flutter widgets, i.e, snackbar, navigator, media query? Here, comes the problem s...

GetX State Management for Flutter - Part 2

Now that we have gone through the introduction for the GetX package and explored the usage of some GetX methods in my previous blog, we are going to explore more on implementation of GetX State Management in flutter. In GetX State Management business...

SwiftShop - Scan What You Eye

Welcome to my first post. In this post, I'm going to introduce you to our project which aims to build a contactless shopping experience for the people as a post COVID measure and keeping in view the difficulties faced by the aged people. Let's dive r...


Problem In urban areas, potholes create problems for the public, as driving becomes dangerous due to uneven roads. They also get filled up when it is raining. The main problem is that the concerned departments are not able to coordinate to resolve th...

Writing Widget Test In Flutter

In flutter everything is a widget, and an app is simply a widget made up of other widgets that come together to form a widget tree. Well, these individual widgets can be tested to ensure they behave as expected. My previous article covered how to wr...

Firebase Cloud Functions with firebase-backend package by FilledStacks

Introduction In this article, we will learn about how to use firebase-backend package by FilledStacks. Why does this package exist and why should we use it? Let's think of a scenario where your app will have a lot of cloud functions, you can export t...

How to toggle between dark mode and light mode using the Stacked architecture in Flutter

Setup To start things off, make sure you install a fresh Flutter project to follow along. // you can name the project anyway you want, // in this case I will just use this name below flutter create stacked_theme_switcher If you aren’t familiar about...

Authentication System in Flutter with Laravel Passport + Stacked (State Management)

Introduction In this article I will be sharing how I implement an authentication system in Flutter, you can use any back-end framework that implements a token-based API authentication. In this tutorial I will be using Laravel Passport for handling th...

Flutter ❤  Firebase

Written by: Costa Souza Gabriel and Dillen Robbe This article has been written by two last year students who study IT at the Karel de Grote University College in Antwerp. We got the opportunity to choose some interesting technologies in which we want...
