Community Corner: Interview With Eric Mann

Interview With Eric Mann Release Manager PHP 8.3 In this episode, Scott talks with Eric Mann about his experience as one of the PHP 8.3 Release Managers and writing his book PHP Cookbook. Note: this transcript was transcribed by AI and then edited for clarity. Scott Keck-Warren: Hello developers, and welcome to the php[architect] community […]

The post Community Corner: Interview W

Command Line Picasso

It’s November already, in America, it’s a time for expressing our gratitude to friends and family. Gratitude: an acknowledgment of having received something good from another, as defined by Merriam-Webster. We have so much gratitude for all of our contributors and readers alike. We receive something good from each of you throughout the year. Our […]

The post Command Line Picasso ap

php[podcast] Episode 23.9.1

John and Eric share more of the day-to-day behind-the-scenes work that goes on at php[architect]. This episode of php is sponsored by JetBrains PhpStorm We discuss php[tek] 2024, writing for the magazine, and what is coming in the next release of php[architect] magazine. Join the Discord at Subscribe to the Magazine Today […]

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Community Corner: Interview With Eric Van Johnson

In this episode, Scott talks with Eric Van Johnson of PHP[architect] LLC, about writing for the php[architect] magazine, the talk submissions process for php[tek], and why you should have a subscription to php[architect]. Interview With Eric Van Johnson   Note: this transcript was transcribed and then edited for clarity and to make it easier to […]

The post Community Co

Software Archeology

Welcome, Ghouls and Goblins, to this month’s spooky issue of PHP Architect. Of course, anytime you’re working with code, things can get a little scary. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with some great articles this month to help keep your code in line.

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Getting Started With the Pest Testing Framework

As a practitioner of test-driven development, I’m always looking for different ways to write test code faster. Sometimes, this comes as little things like learning a faster way to run my tests using a built-in editor setting, but sometimes it’s a whole new way to write my tests. In this article, we’re going to discuss […]

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Automated Refactoring With Rector

In our previous article, we discussed how to get started using code coverage to determine if our code has enough tests and one of the things I mentioned is how we should integrate this into our CI/CD pipeline but I didn’t say how. This articles exists to rectify that problem by providing you with two […]

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What’s New and Exciting in PHP 8 3

    At the time of this recording, PHP 8.2 is in the beta release cycle so we can finally start to discuss what’s new and changed in the next release of PHP. In this article, we’ll discuss the timeline for the release and discuss some new features and changes we can expect to see. […]

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Flowcharts For Developers With Mermaid js

One of the most important soft skills we can have as developers is being able to communicate how our code works. Other developers can dive into your code to see how it works, but this can be time-consuming, and your stakeholders most likely won’t be able to. What we need is some way to communicate […]

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Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

    As developers, we’re always looking for ways to take our customer’s problems and turn them into solutions, and sometimes it can take a painfully long time to deliver those solutions. We might have multiple steps involved in the release process or only do a few releases every year, and that can slow us […]

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