r/Stocks Daily Discussion Wednesday - Sep 06, 2023

These daily discussions run from Monday to Friday including during our themed posts.

Some helpful links:

Csu debenture?

Hey guys- was just looking at my portfolio and noticed 2 shares of a debenture?

I found this and I’m not completely sure what it means… at all.


Before I ask chat gpt, can anyone explain what my opt

How do you see the qty of shares that qualify for long/short term cap gains?

Sometimes I want to shave a position I'm holding but only shares that qualify for long-term cap gains.

I'm finding myself manually calculating this based off on transactions -- how do you do it? Does your brokerage have a tool for this?

submitted by /u/SrBambino
How likely is it?

How likely is it that the big fall off this last month was everyone pulling their money out to pay for the upcoming student loan freeze ending on sep 1st?

And the big jump back up was big money buying the lull.

submitted by /u/ProbablyCreative
r/Stocks Weekly Thread on Meme Stocks Saturday - Sep 02, 2023

The meme stock scheduled posts will now run weekly and post Saturday afternoon and won't be a sticky; you're probably seeing this because automod sent you here!

Full list of meme stocks here. This will be updated every once in a while.

Welcome traders who just can't help them selves discuss the same exact stock that's been discussed 100s of times a day. I get it, y

Shouldn't this be an easy swing trade?

I've been looking at usfr. It looks incredibly reliable. One fluctuation was from 50.50 to 50.29. 50.48 to 50.29 the next month. Then 50.51 to 50.29. It looks like the ex dividend date is the 25th so if I sold around the 23rd and bought back in on the morning of the 25th couldn't I basically double the dividend?

submitted by /u/ihatethinkingofnew1s
Spectrum owner Charter calls pay-TV model broken as it battles Disney over blackout


Cable giant Charter Communications and Disney are in a battle over contract fees that has left millions of people without access to U.S. Open, college football and potentially “Monday Night Football,” with the NFL’s season starting in just days. On Thursday, Disney said that the t

Can you go wrong with NVIDIA and AMD?

They’re the two biggest companies in a triopoly formed by them and Qualcomm. Forecast tell that the demand for chips will double in the next 7 years and AI chip demand will double in the next 4.

Also they’re investing heavily in AI. AMD just bought a AI software company(Mipsology) and NVIDIA did as well with OmniML. They’re shaping up to be two of the biggest players in an industry that is going to 10x in the next 7 years.

Where is the risk?

ETF Closing - How should I play this?

Hi everyone,

I own a couple shares of the IBET ETF and just got a letter announcing they’re liquidating their assets and closing shop.

At first, I thought to myself well obviously I need to sell and get out before everyone else does.

But then I noticed the stock rise 5% since this news released. Did a little more research and realized that an ETF closing means selling off their assets means immediate short term gains.

Does the logic

Payrolls rose by 187,000 in August, unemployment rate rises to 3.8%


The U.S. added more jobs than expected in August, a sign of resilience for a labor market under pressure from Federal Reserve interest rate hikes.

Nonfarm payrolls grew by a seasonally adjusted 187,000 for the month, above the estimate for 170,000, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

