Options during acquisition

Newbie here. Had a call before the Activision acquisition then I received an email and a detail screen. All I’m seeing is cash component is x amount, shares went from 100 to 0 and that the trade is temporarily unavailable.

Not sure what it all means.

Any help is appreciated

submitted by /u/TarantulaTitties
Can you explain the TLRY 2018 weed stock story? I know a few bagholders and want to understand their thesis.

They are sitting on total losses. $2 stock means 90%+ loss regardless of entry about $20. What is the future for the industry? Weed is legal-ish so are these stocks coming back ever? Were these weed stocks the equivalent of a pizzeria with a market cap of $1B ?

I asked GBT and it said this. What can you add?

Tilray Inc. (TLRY) is a Canadian pharmaceutical and cannabis company that has gained significant attention in the stock market

Why exactly do you disagree with Cathy Wood?

I’ve seen a lot of hate for Cathy Wood since the bull run of 2020/ early 2021 ended. Looking at a 5 year price chart, there may be a lot to criticize

However, I’m just curious if you personally only disagree with her strategies and some of her individual stock picks?

Or if you fundamentally disagree with her on the underlying technologies or mega, secular growth trends?

For instance, whenever Cathy Wood talks about the secular growth tren

Scaling in strategy

I’m interested in a scaling-in strategy. My entries aren’t that great. So it’s part of a risk management plan. Plus it really helps cut out the emotion starting small.

There’s a lot of theory on it online. But I’ve not really landed on examples. Size in relation to total size. When to buy. What your return will be etc.

Does anyone have any good resources they would be happy to share?

I’ve been trying to simulate it. Spreadsheet based, I’m no

r/Stocks Weekly Thread on Meme Stocks Saturday - Oct 14, 2023

The meme stock scheduled posts will now run weekly and post Saturday afternoon and won't be a sticky; you're probably seeing this because automod sent you here!

Full list of meme stocks here. This will be updated every once in a while.

Welcome traders who just can't help them selves discuss the same exact stock that's been discussed 100s of times a day. I get it, y

I was probably stupid to place an order.

I placed an limit order for CRESY at 7.4 USD, but now I'm starting to wonder if 1) if it ever would reach 7.4 USD and 2) if it reaches 7.4 USD would I earn any profit within 5 years time? I did my own (little) research, but I feel like Argentina's economy would recover. And CRESY has been around, like, forever, and they seem to be steadly bringing in revenue.

FYI I know I'm stupid to not research, but, my family only had time to invest it for

What's the future of construction automation?

This article about FBR got me thinking about construction labor shortages and potential automated solutions but I know little about the industry. FBR is on ASX so I'm not interested in them specifically but am curious what US listed companies are operating in this space. $CAT has some automated mining equipment, acquired Marble Robo

Thoughts on GFACX and AICCX

I inherited these two mutual funds (~$40,000 total) and not sure if these are worth keeping verse selling and buying Vanguard funds. Does anyone have any thoughts on these two and if they’ll be worthwhile to keep or better to reinvest sooner?

submitted by /u/CSIgeo
configurable, importable earnings calendar

As a programmer, I like to automate things. As an investor, I like to keep a closer watch on assets I’ve invested in.

I want to have a configurable (which assets) and importable (google cal in my case) earnings calendar so I don’t have to manually track the almost 30 positions I currently have to see when their earnings report or call will be. Does this exist? If not, I’m inclined to figure out if I can make this myself. Conceptually this isn’t hard at a

What is the future for Berkshire Hathaway after Buffett departs this world?

First off, I'm a relatively novice investor, having only started in the process during the pandemic, and while I did get my initial interest from some of the hype stocks when starting, I quickly realized I did not know enough about what I was doing with my money, so I've been trying to learn as much as possible to make wiser decisions. I'm 42, most of my investments are in ETFs, with a little AAPL, GLW, WCC and LEVI. I also have a small chunk i'v
