Smashing magazine

Recreating YouTube’s Ambient Mode Glow Effect

In this article, Adrian deconstructs YouTube’s “Ambient Mode” feature and how HTML <canvas> and the requestAnimationFrame function are used to create the glowing effect.

The Art Of Looking Back: A Critical Reflection For Individual Contributors

Discover the importance of critical reflective practice and challenge some beliefs about reflection and its role in our work and growth. Kristian Mikhel suggests a critical reflective routine for individual contributors and gives some practical recommendations that will make reflection meaningful and actionable.

Designing Age-Inclusive Products: Guidelines And Best Practices

With an estimated one in every eight individuals worldwide surpassing the age of 60, who are actively adopting online shopping, the need for user-friendly interfaces tailored to their needs becomes apparent. Explore the guidelines to help you design a more inclusive product for all, particularly for an older audience and your future self as well.

Smashing Podcast Episode 63 With Chris Ferdinandi: What Is The Transitional Web?

In this episode of The Smashing Podcast, we’re talking about The Transitional Web. What is it, and how does it describe the technologies we’re using? Drew McLellan talks to Chris Ferdinandi to find out.

Writing CSS In 2023: Is It Any Different Than A Few Years Ago?

CSS is evolving faster than ever. With all of the new features that are now available — and forthcoming — since we got Flexbox and Grid years ago, the way we write CSS is evolving, too. In this article, Geoff Graham shares which features have had the most influence on his current approaches to CSS, as well as those that have not (at least yet).

How To Create A Rapid Research Program To Support Insights At Scale

Accelerate your organization’s growth and innovation with the power of Rapid Research. From inception to implementation, here is the step-by-step roadmap on how to build the program from scratch and uncover the untapped ROI opportunities waiting to propel your initiatives to new heights.

How To Become A Better Speaker At Conferences

In this article, Andy Budd, curator of UX London and Leading Design conferences, outlines some of the things that make a potentially amazing presentation, as well as a few big gotchas. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to get a speaking slot at a conference, this article is for you.

Shines, Perspective, And Rotations: Fancy CSS 3D Effects For Images

CSS has all kinds of tricks that are capable of turning images into neat, interactive elements. This article is a collection of fancy 3D effects for images that demonstrate those CSS powers.

The UX Of Flight Searches: How We Challenged Industry Standards

As of today, the world’s 50 top airlines have all agreed on the same flight search pattern. Yet the path to booking the right flight remains frustrating and confusing. Is there really only one solution? Or are they afraid to break the mold? Explore the thought experiment which turned the seemingly untouchable pattern on its head.

Sustainable Design Toolkits And Resources

How can we create products and experiences that don’t cause harm to the planet and to the people who use them? What do we need to consider to make more sustainable design decisions and reduce the carbon footprint of our websites? In this post, we compiled valuable resources that will get you familiar with the principles of sustainable design.
